Chapter: 105
“I–I’ll get going then…” Chris murmured before fleeing as if he’d just escaped from prison. He thanked God for his quick wits, which helped him save his skin just now. However, he reckoned that he couldn’t stay in Stonia for much longer. He decided to leave once he’d saved up enough money.

“Sir Francis, I’m convinced that man just now wasn’t very honest with us,” Hunter remarked respectfully.

“It doesn’t matter, he’s just an ant to us, so it doesn’t matter if we kill him or let him live.” Sir Francis said nonchalantly.

It was evident to him that Chris was lying the whole time, but he did not dare take the risk, as he feared that Dustin would not take too kindly if he involved himself in his matters too much.

He certainly didn’t want to make himself an enemy of the Kirin!

Half an hour later, over at the Peaceful Medical Center, Dustin felt his heart shatter as he gazed at the bloody gash on Dahlia’s body. Although the two were divorced, it wasn’t easy to shrug off three whole years of feelings toward one another.

Some emotions simply could not be contained, it seemed.

After taking a deep breath, he took off her clothes and began carefully cauterizing the wound for her.

Although his movements were subtle, when touching certain wounds, her unconscious body would still twitch from the pain involuntarily. This prompted him to be more careful in handling her.

Whether it was cleaning up, disinfecting, putting on ointment or badges, he made sure to be extra cautious every step of the way.

Once everything was done, he breathed a sigh of relief, not noticing that a film of sweat had formed on his forehead.

Just as he was about to up and leave, a slender hand suddenly reached out to grab his wrist.

“Don’t go… don’t go. Don’t leave me here…” In her unconscious state, Dahlia looked as if she was experiencing a nightmare. Her tightly closed eyes kept rolling from side to side as she kept muttering inaudibly.

Dustin fought to control his rising emotions.

“I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here.” He slowly moved to sit next to her, holding her hand with both of his hands.

“D–don’t go. Dustin… Seeming as if her sense of security had returned, her murmurs slowly became softer, and she started to calm down.

However, she held on to his hand for dear life and refused to let go.

“I’m sorry…” he mumbled as he felt the force behind her fingertips. He couldn’t help but feel a twinge of heartache at this.

In the past, she had never shown him her soft side and always insisted on being a strong, Independent woman.

However, after today, he realized that the icy businesswoman lying in front of him was also a woman who needed someone to care for her.

Two days later, at the Peaceful Medical Center, Dahlia finally woke up.

The first thing she noticed was that she was in a very plain room that contained a table, two chairs, and a hospital bed.

She thought everything looked vaguely familiar, as if she had been here before.

“You’re up?” Dustin quipped as he appeared at the entrance of the room.

He was carrying a bowl of chicken soup in one hand. Even though it wasn’t the most flavorful dish, the soup looked tantalizing to her as she hadn’t eaten anything for the past two days. So much so that her stomach began to growl non–stop at the sight of it.