Chapter: 1109
"Did we wake you up, Mr. Adler? We’ll be sure to keep quiet, so you can keep sleeping." The bald man smiled apologetically.

"It’s fine. There’s nothing to do besides sleeping and eating anyway. It’s been a while since we had a newcomer. As the gang leader, I should welcome him." The older man yawned.

"Hurry. Pay your respects to Mr. Adler." The bald man quickly tugged Dustin.

"No need for formalities." The old man waved them off before asking Dustin, "Did you offend some high-ranking official?"

"How did you know?" Dustin was surprised.

Although Julian said he was the one who made the report, Dustin was sure that Gavin had something to do with this.

"Everyone here is a criminal who has ki lled at least ten people, but you’ve only ki lled one. You’ve clearly offended someone powerful," the old man replied.

"May I know where this is?" Dustin was even more curious now.

"This is a place you can enter but never leave." The older man sighed.

"It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from. Once you’re in here, you’ll never get out. It’s just like the underworld. That’s why it’s called ‘Azkaban"!"

"Azkaban?" Dustin was alert when he heard the name.

Azkaban was known throughout Balerno. Rumors had it that the inmates here were either extremely wicked or caused great harm to the country. And there were all sorts of criminals- assassins, despised martial artists, bloodthirsty maniacs, and more.

The prison had one rule: once you entered the place, there was no way out.

Unlike other prisons where inmates who performed well would be given chances to reduce their sentences, the inmates here only had two choices. They could either stay here for the rest of their lives or d ie.

Therefore, no one has ever left or escaped the place. This was also the place where Duane Welch had been sent to.

"Do you understand the seriousness of the situation now?" The older man asked, concerned.

"This place is a different world. Everything on the outside no longer has anything to do with you now."

"Is there no way to get out?" Dustin questioned.

"Get out? How?" The older man shook his head with a bitter smile.

"The cells are made of indestructible dark steel. Beyond this, many checkpoints and skilled martial artists guard the place. Nothing could get in here, not even a fly."

"Now that does sound worrying," Dustin muttered.

"Stop overthinking, kid." The older man patted Dustin’s shoulder.

"You’re lucky you met us instead of those wicked men or you’d be dead meat by now."

"You’re one of us now, so you definitely won’t starve!" The bald man patted his chest confidently.

"Thanks, guys." Dustin smiled politely. He could tell that these men weren’t evil.