Chapter: 149
“Sorry. I’m not interested in Tyler Grant all” Natasha quipped.

“You have no say in this matter! You are the eldest daughter of the Harmon family. With wealth and power comes responsibility!” Jessica chided.

“Responsibility?” Natasha scoffed.

“Do you mean using marriage to climb the ranks?”

“This is for your own good and the entire family’s! Tyler is an impressive person. He’s already a Major General despite his young age. He has a bright future ahead of him. He’s the perfect choice for marriage!” Jessica lectured.

“If you like him so much, you marry him then! I have no intention of doing so,” Natasha retorted bluntly.

“Why are you so stubborn? If you don’t marry into his family, you will never become the head of the Harmon family! Why don’t you understand this?”

“It doesn’t matter since I was never interested in becoming the head of the family, to begin with,” Natasha replied matter–of–factly.

“Is your entire future worth sacrificing just for that kid?” Jessica spat.

“Of course! I don’t think Tyler is better than him anyway!”

“You have that much faith in him?” Jessica’s expression hardened.

“That’s right!” Natasha announced proudly.

Jessica paused when she heard her daughter’s answer. Resolute, she inhaled before declaring with a cold voice.

“Fine! Since you’re not going to give up, I’ll give you one chance. If that punk can pass three tests, I’ll never bring up the topic of your marriage to the Reeves family again!”

“What kind of tests?” asked Natasha with a raised brow.

“First, he must defeat Edwin Hummer to prove his strength!” Jessica demanded.

“Edwin has Boulderthom to back him up! It’s it a bit unreasonable to ask Dustin to defeat him?” Natasha frowned.

Jessica snorted.

“If he can’t even defeat Edwin Hummer, why should I accept him into our family? What right does he have to fight Tyler? Well, I’m giving you both a chance. If he fails, you better return to Millsburg and get married!”

Jessica turned and left the room.

Meanwhile, in a nearby hospital room, Dahlia’s grandfather lay unconscious, his face ashen.

Florence and several members of the Nicholson family gathered together as they discussed countermeasures hushedly.

“How peculiar. Old Mr. Nicholson has always been fine. Why did he suddenly fall ill?”

“Exactly! He’s always looked so strong and healthy. Who would’ve guessed that this would happen if he fell ill.”

Everyone sighed with pity for the old man.