Chapter: 496
“He’s an extremely powerful martial artist, just so you know. There were several people at the Hummer Villa last night, but none stood a chance against him.” Jade was still shaken from the previous night’s events.

“Ha. No matter how powerful he is, he’s only a martial artist. Do you think he’ll be able to withstand my troops? “The round–faced man looked contemptuous.

“Over the years, the military’s captured plenty of martial artists renowned for their prowess. Still, haven’t they ultimately yielded to the military’s authority?”

“I suppose you’re right.” Jade nodded. The martial world was separate from the government, but it wasn’t an organized entity. How could it go up against the authorities?

As they spoke, the burly man continued to whip Dustin. It cracked loudly, but Dustin didn’t bat an eye. Instead, the whip shattered from the force.

“What the hell?” The burly man was dumbfounded. The steel whip had been specially forged and tested against blades and flames to ensure it was basically unbreakable. Why had it shattered after being used to whip someone? Could Dustin possibly be forged from some precious metal?

The burly man scrutinized Dustin, but it only added to his confusion. He’d already whipped Dustin at least a dozen times; any ordinary human would already be mutilated, but Dustin looked perfectly fine. His clothes were in tatters, but there wasn’t the slightest sign of an injury. It was as if he hadn’t even been whipped.

“What the fuck?” The burly man broke into a cold sweat. He’d done this for years, but this was his first time being in this situation.

“What’s going on? Why has the whipping stopped?” The round–faced man finally stopped chit–chatting and noticed something was wrong.

“S–sir the whip broke.” The burly man gulped.

“Get another one, then! Don’t stop until you’re done with the 50 whips!” the round–faced man berated.

“Yes, sir!” The burly man didn’t dare delay. He had someone bring him another steel whip before whipping Dustin again as if his life depended on it. After a while, the second whip shattered, just like the first had.

“What in the “The burly man couldn’t believe his eyes. Shattering one whip could be described as a coincidence; shattering two was an ominous sign. He was starting to think there was something about Dustin that made him impossible to whip.

“Why have you stopped again? Go on!” the round–faced man urged impatiently.

“Sir, the whip broke again.” The burly man looked like he was in a dilemma.

“What? How fucking useless can you be? I’ll do it myself!” the round–faced man spat. He ordered a soldier to bring him another steel whip before storming over to Dustin. He started whipping him without the slightest hesitance, but he’d only swung the whip a few times when it shattered.

At this moment, Dustin, who’d been lying there with his eyes shut, opened his eyes and asked, “Are you done?

If you are, can I get something to eat? I’m feeling a little hungry.”

“What?” The round–faced man stared at Dustin, who was cool as a cucumber, in shock. He knew very well how much the steel whip could withstand and how much pain it could cause. Not even the strongest of men could take more than ten whips in one go, yet Dustin looked perfectly fine after enduring more than that. In fact, he’d made three whips shatter. What the hell was going on? “Brat, what sort of sorcery do you have going on?” he snarled.

“Look, cut the crap and do what you need to.” Dustin yawned. His nonchalance made the round–faced man’s blood boil.

“Fucking hell. I’d like to see you survive this!” The round–faced man swiped his subordinate’s sword and swung it at Dustin. There were two loud clangs as the blade came into contact with Dustin’s body twice; he was fine, but the blade became chipped.

“Is that is that an Adamantine Shield?” Jade’s eyes widened. As a member of the martial world, she immediately realized what was up. The fact that Dustin could make himself impermeable to weapons proved that he’d learned the art of defense. However, it would take a huge toll on one’s internal energy. Most martial artists wouldn’t be able to keep it up for long.

“Regular weapons won’t do anything to him. We have to bring in a pro.” Jade said.

“Hmph! I’ll admit this brat isn’t your run–of–the–mill martial artist; it’s no wonder you guys had problems dealing with him. It’s too bad he’s up against me, though!” The round–faced man narrowed his eyes.

“Do you have any way of dealing with him?” Jade asked tentatively.