Chapter: 805
"Your Uncle Hector is a good man. He’ll never do anything like that. Someone must have framed him!"

"You’ll never know what a man’s like behind the back. Who knows?" Kate’s reply was loaded.

"That’s enough! Are you going to add to the mess that this family is already in?" Natasha finally chastised Kate.

Kate merely sneered.

"You shouldn’t be yelling at me. Start worrying about cleaning up your dad’s mess."

"You" Natasha was on the verge of an outburst when Jack ran in with urgency.

"Ms. Harmon, things are bad!

The soldiers out there have barged in!"

"They barged in?" Natasha’s expression dropped.

"Quick! Get Deone to stop them!"

Before the truth prevailed, she would never allow them to arrest her dad.

"Stop!" Suddenly. Hector yelled at Jack, "Let them in. No one shall stand in their way!"

"Dad, what are you doing?" Natasha frowned.

"The truth will speak for itself. I have nothing to fear if I didn’t commit the crime." Hector declared loud and clear.


"Have you ever given it some thought? If I make a move now, I’ll never clear my name." Hector wore a somber expression on his face. Fighting against Sir Moran’s forces could be perceived as resisting arrest, or, worse, staging a revolt. The Harmons could not afford to be accused of this grave crime.

"Hector’s right. We can’t butt heads with them. Tell all the Harmon disciples to stand aside!" Jacob yelled.

"Yes, sir." Jack helplessly took the orders. Natasha and the rest were worried, but they were aware of the importance of not adding fuel to the fire. Otherwise, the confrontation might spiral out of control.

"Where’s Hector Harmon?" The commander, dressed in uniform, marched up to the doors of the meeting room with a large number of armed soldiers behind him. These were troopers who were in service, and their murderous air sent chills down one’s spine.

"I am Hector Harmon. Sir, what are you here for?" Hector calmly greeted the commander and his men.

"You sullied Sir Moran’s daughter and brutally murdered her! We are under orders to arrest you for trial!" The commander announced icily.

"Nonsense! My dad never killed a soul. You must have gotten it wrong!" Ruth instantly protested.