Chapter: 970
"I can’t either. They are both way stronger than me" Claudia shook her head. She was still a High- level martial artist, and although she was much stronger than the average martial artist. She still had a long way to go compared to Divine-level martial artists. In fact, she was nothing compared to them.

"Terry should be the one with the upper hand, right?" Maggi asked tentatively.

"Judging from the magnitude of the destruction, it seems like it." Claudia nodded.

"Terry’s sword skill is ruthless, and he also has an ace card-Tempest of the Eighteen Swords. If he uses that, no one would be able to stop him."

"Great!" Maggie was thrilled to hear that. Although she didn’t have the right to learn that technique, she had heard of it before. It was the Doyle family’s greatest treasure; it had been. around since the family’s foundation and was to be used as a last resort when someone had been cornered with no way of escaping.

There were rumors that the sword technique in the manuscript increased in power at each level, and so far, no one has ever withstood the last level before.

Maggie believed that as long as Terry used it, he would win the battle easily.

"Fuck. I can’t even tell who’s who anymore." Zeke stood on tiptoes and peered over the crowd’s head.

"Gordon, do you think Terry will win?"

"Of course, he will!" Gordon answered confidently.

"Dustin might be skilled, but he’s still a country bumpkin with no power. Terry is different. As the future head of the Doyle family who’s received training from the greatest masters, I’m sure he still has a card up his sleeve that he’s hiding."

"That’s true." Zeke nodded his head, relieved. As a martial arts family, the Doyle family had a powerful legacy and many martial arts manuscripts that could help one easily defeat their opponent.

As long as Terry wanted to, it shouldn’t be hard for him to defeat Dustin.

"Sir Paul, who do you think will win?" Hector suddenly turned his attention to Paul, who sat in the middle.

"The one with a ninety percent chance," Paul answered with a smile, his eyes crinkling.

"Ninety percent?" Phil smiled.

"You’ve got a good eye, Sir Paul. You could tell that my son had an ace up his sleeve, so he should be able to win."

Phil had been getting worried that his son might lose, but Paul’s words reassured him. As a Grandmaster martial artist, no one would dare question what Paul said, so if Paul said that there’s a ninety percent winning chance, it must be true. Although there was ten percent left, it was more than enough for him.

Paul glanced at Phil, who was full of confidence, but didn’t say anything, a knowing smile on his face.

"Tempest of the Eighteen Swords!" A voice bellowed from the platform as the air turned heavy. Instantly, the entire platform began to shake as cracks spread everywhere.

"Terry is finally going to use his best move! That’s the end of that bastard!" Maggie shouted animatedly.

"One doesn’t use ‘Tempest of the Eighteen Swords unless extremely necessary, but when they do, their opponents will definitely die." Claudia narrowed her eyes.