Chapter: 407

He collected 1,265 Filguins 15 Copes, mostly 10 Filguins and below 10 Filguins, with only one 200 Filguin, one 100 Filguin, two 50 Filguin notes, and a few gold louis. Staring at the money for a few seconds, Lumian said with emotion: "Accepting 10 donations from well-meaning people is not as good as killing a gang leader." Of course, not all of the money belonged to Maggot, he just managed them on behalf of the Stingers.

Lumian then pulled out a stack of small bills worth 200 Filkin in total, took them out of room 207, and went up the stairs.

In less than a minute, he arrived on the 4th floor and stood in front of room 8.

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