Chapter: 107

In the case that Zhu Di is not omniscient, Zhu Gaochi can choose which memorials to come to Zhu Di and which memorials do not appear in Zhu Di's vision.

Of course, Zhu Di also has his own news channels, and there are more than one. The first is the old intelligence system of the Yan Army, which is in charge of Dao Yan, covering the entire north of Ming Dynasty and even Mobei and North Korea, reporting directly to him via Ma He; The second type is Jinyiwei, which was rebuilt under the leadership of Ji Gang, and now its tentacles only extend to the Jiangnan area; the third type is the palace intelligence system in charge of the third prince Zhu Gaosui, who secretly monitors the imperial family including the eldest prince Zhu Gaochi and Ning Wang Zhu Quan. Your vassal king and so on.

And this is one of the reasons why Zhu Di planned to visit the "Prime Minister in Black" Dao Yan. In addition to listening to the advice of the Ministry of War and the Governor's Office of the Five Armies summarized by the cabinet, Zhu Di also had to understand the truth about the return of the three guards by the great Sai kings in the north. manner.

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