Chapter: 1117
Marlin just nodded silently.

Norah touched her nose lightly. “If they catch up, I'm going to use knockout drops. Make sure to cover your face."

Taking the Mind Clearing Pills was a precaution to avoid accidentally inhaling the knockout drops.

Marlin acknowledged with another nod, choosing not to question her further in the precarious situation.

His faith in her words was absolute, his trust in her unwavering.

The night enveloped everything in its deep darkness, obscuring even the moon behind thick clouds.

In the woods, the eerie chirps of unknown creatures echoed, adding to the unsettling atmosphere.

Footsteps approached, accompanied by muffled voices carried on the wind.

“Hanley, why are we going to such lengths to catch a woman? Why follow her here? It's dark and creepy.”

“Why all the questions? Just follow my lead! I've brought ten men tonight. We're going to catch her for sure!"

"There's a man with her. His car looks like a Maybach. Really expensive!"

"I don't care about him. Our target is that woman tonight! But what the hell are they doing in the woods at this hour?"

"We don't really have a choice, do we? We couldn't grab them in town."

Norah held her breath, realizing from their conversation that they were after her, but they didn't seem to belong to an organization of killers.

Marlin gently squeezed her hand, signaling someone approaching.

They were just a hundred meters away, closing in fast. By chance, their paths intersected with Marlin and Norah's.

Norah grabbed a rock and hurled it behind them.

The men screamed in surprise.

“Damn it! What was that? It scared the hell out of me."

"It was probably just a bird. There are plenty of animals in these woods. Spare us you yelling.”

Hanley smacked the loudest screamers on the head sharply. "Get moving.

Let's take her back so we can rest. We're getting paid by both sides, and I don't want to lose out on it."

They had been tracking Norah for days and finally saw their opportunity. With only one man accompanying her, they weren't afraid at all, dismissing him as inconsequential.

As for Norah herself, Hanley didn't take her seriously initially, but he admitted she was indeed a stunning woman.