Chapter: 1210
Unless they truly trusted the driver's skills.

Nora's appreciation for Sean, who'd ridden beside her, only grew.

Ethan's demeanor shifted. It was the first time someone had questioned his racing prowess so bluntly.

He had no comeback; he had to concede the point.

Nora studied Ethan's crestfallen expression. After a thoughtful pause, she announced, "Alright, one last lesson for you then."

The truth was, the million-dollar offer wasn't what motivated her. It was the chance to get behind the wheel of that incredible racing car again.

The sleek, dark blue machine was a beast, outperforming any car she'd ever driven in every way.

This "lesson" was the perfect excuse to feel its power surge beneath her hands.

Sean melted back into the crowd, creating space for them.

Ethan, of course, jumped at the chance. He climbed obediently into the passenger seat, his arrogant facade completely gone.

He'd always admired skilled people, and in his eyes, Nora was a racing goddess!

As for the other spectators, any doubts they'd harbored about Nora had vanished. Now, their cheers were deafening, a testament to her mastery on the track.

With her skills blazing, Nora conquered the course once again, the envious gazes of the crowd following the dark blue blur.

Even as Nora and Sean prepared to leave, Ethan lingered, reluctant to see them go. Tonight had been the most exhilarating race of his life.

"Here's my card," he said, offering it with a hopeful smile. "It's got my contact info. If you're ever interested in another race, just call me."

Ethan watched them drive away, only realizing he'd forgotten to ask for their numbers when his friend pointed it out.

All he had was a lone concert ticket with a bank card number scrawled on the back.

But no worries, they were in Bellfolk. With the video of their race, he was confident he could track them down.

Little did Nora know, after they left, Ethan, fueled by excitement, attempted to make the car fly. Needless to say, it failed spectacularly. The car barely scraped a few inches off the ground before plummeting back down.

This wouldn't bother Nora, though. She'd already taught him everything he needed to know. It was entirely up to him to master it.

Back in the car, Nora's smile was like a Cheshire cat's, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Sean, thanks to you, I raked in a cool million and a half tonight. Here, give me your bank account-fifty grand is coming your way."

"Appreciate it, but no thanks," Sean replied, his deep voice echoing in the car.

"You earned them because of your skills. I had nothing to do with it."