Chapter: 1323
She looked at Sean with more warmth, understanding that their argument had been over minor issues they had both blown out of proportion.
Their gazes locked, sharing a tender moment.
“So, sweetheart, can we avoid breaking up?" Sean asked slowly.
Norah let out a snort and withdrew her hand, saying, "That depends on how you behave from now on."
Relieved that they were moving past their previous issues, Sean grinned and replied, “I'll improve. Do you want a drink of water?"
"No, I'm fine," Norah replied.
"How about the air conditioning? Is it too cold in here?"
“It's comfortable."
Susanna stood on tiptoe outside the door, peering into the ward where Norah and Sean were laughing and joking together, her eyes sparkling with delight.
“Wow, Phillip. It looks like my plan worked-they are back together," she said with a triumphant chuckle.
Holding her arm, Phillip ruffled her hair affectionately. “Susanna, you are a genius. Make sure Sean rewards you when he comes out.”
"Oh, I will. I won't forget that. Let's go share the good news with Joanna."
Hand in hand, they walked away, their faces beaming with excitement.
Although Norah and Sean's relationship wasn't fully healed, the fact that she was open to reconciliation suggested there might still be hope for Sean.
Norah still hadn't revealed to Sean that she was a member of the Frazier family.
She bit her lip, deciding to wait the DNA test results were in before addressing that particular matter.
Later that evening, Norah avoided Sean and met with Caylee in the hospital room. She asked, “So, what are the results?"
Gilda and Chayce watched with bated breath. Their hands were clenched in anticipation.
Maintaining an air of detachment, Caylee pulled a sealed envelope from her bag.
“I came straight here after receiving this envelope. I haven't opened it yet."
Her fingers tangled with a piece of string as she began to open the envelope.
Everyone watched her in silence, the room so quiet that the only sound was the steady rhythm of breathing.
Caylee gently extracted the documents with the results that held the key to everything.
Her eyes quickly scanned the text, settling on the final line.