Chapter: 134
The underground parking garage at Glamour Club was vast and packed with luxury cars. After all, plenty of the Glamour Club patrons hailed from wealthy backgrounds.
As she reached for her car, Norah's attention was caught by unusual sounds in the parking lot — not the hum of engines, but hushed conversations, unusually clear in the quiet of the garage.
With a hint of caution, Norah was about to dismiss the voices and get into her car to wait for her chauffeur when she was suddenly called out.
"Norah!" The call echoed loudly through the parking lot.
Looking up, Norah saw Kaiden hurrying toward her in the parking lot.
She furrowed her brow, puzzled by Kaiden's unexpected visit. She felt a tad uneasy, sensing that the parking Lot wasn't too safe at the moment.
The hushed conversations ceased. Facing the out-of-breath Kaiden, Norah cracked her car door slightly, asking, “What do you need?"
She thought Kaiden was rude, and his yelling was way too loud for her Liking.
Kaiden caught his breath and was about to speak, when suddenly a police siren sounded at the entrance of the garage.
Seeing the police had arrived, Norah quickly took Kaiden's hand and ushered him into the car. “Hurry, hop in."
"What..." Kaiden's confusion was cut short by a bump on the head from the car door, wincing in discomfort. The door shut quickly before he could question further.
Norah swiftly swung open the car's back door. But just as she was about to climb in, someone dashed over and pressed a cold, solid object against her side.
Norah figured out that it was a gun.
“Don't say anything." The command was firm, close to her ear. A man held the gun to Norah's waist, instructing, “Get in the car."
Two more men positioned themselves by the car. The driver grabbed the keys from Norah, started the engine, and set the car in motion.
As the car filled with intimidating figures, Kaiden assumed they were Norah's associates and had questions. But before he could utter a word, someone pressed a gun against his forehead. "Keep quiet if you want to stay alive!"
The voice dripped with threats. Kaiden quivered, too scared to utter a word, his seatbelt tightly fastened. Catching Norah's gaze in the rearview mirror, he felt a shiver run down his spine.
Norah remained seated between the two men, her demeanor icy, yet her eyes reflected a sense of tranquility. Kaiden observed that she didn't show any signs of panic or fear, unlike himself.
Kaiden felt a pang of shame. It dawned on him, being from a military family, he shouldn't just crouch in fear but muster the courage to find a way out of the situation.
As the driver pulled the car out of the spot, he said, "We got Lucky. Even with the cops around, we snagged a ride and can still make a clean getaway."
As he talked, the white car rushed out of the parking lot like a rocket. The driver paid no heed to the police roadblocks. As they zoomed past the police, those men in the car chuckled at the police.
The police wasted no time calling for reinforcements as they watched the white car speed off.
The man wielding the gun in the speeding car looked at Norah with a creepy glint and asked, "You're quite the looker. Do you have a boyfriend? Would you like us to look after you?"
Noticing their successful evasion and Norah's attractiveness, the other man suggested lowering the gun against Kaiden, his tone sinister, saying, "Ease up on the gun. We wouldn't want an accident. Darling, you're quite the beauty."