Chapter: 1350
Chayce proceeded toward the crowd, flanked by four tall, strong bodyguards. At that moment, security guards arrived, equipped with batons and shields.
“Drop your weapon, or we will intervene!"
Once the crowd dispersed, a man was visibly holding a knife at the doctor's throat, looking deranged. The blade pressed tightly against the doctor.
Three individuals lay injured on the floor, bleeding heavily and moaning in pain.
Ten hospital security guards warily eyed the knife in the man's hand.
“Release him!"
The doctor's neck was visibly bleeding, his white uniform stained with his blood.
Terrified, he pleaded, "Please, don't kill me."
Norah recognized the doctor as Lanny Mitchell, a dedicated expert from the cardiovascular department.
The agitated man accused Lanny, "You operated on my wife three years ago. She died because of your incompetence. You're to blame. I want you dead!"
This was indeed a stabbing spree.
Distant police sirens began to wail, signaling their approach.
Overwhelmed with anger, the man slit Lanny's throat. Blood splattered everywhere.
Those who witnessed the scene screamed in terror.
Joanna, infuriated, demanded, “What are the security guards waiting for? The doctor is dying!"
The security guards continued to negotiate with the man, urging him to drop his weapon. Since Lanny was held hostage, they were careful not to provoke the man.
Despite being equipped with shields and batons, their confidence in saving Lanny was shaky.
Norah tapped her still-healing legs, feeling helpless as she watched.
She believed if she were fully recovered, she could rescue Lanny.
Or, if only she had a gun...
She bit her lip, dismissing the thought. She wasn't a police officer, after all. Using a gun was against the law, and besides, she didn't own one. Even if she did, she wouldn't dare use it in front of law enforcement.
Recalling her own stabbing incident at Silver Boulder Private Hospital, Joanna exclaimed in frustration, "Security guards are useless! Just tackle the rioter!"
Susanna responded, "The doctor is in his grip. They're trying to work it out. The police are here too."
Joanna quickly wheeled Norah away as the man started moving towards the door with Lanny.