Chapter: 1484
"Norah, hold on for a second. I need to use the restroom."

Noticing Roseanne juggling the large teddy bear, Norah offered a hand.

“Do you need help holding it?"

"No, thanks. I'll just set it down on the table outside later."

Roseanne, gripping the teddy bear tightly, strutted across the playground, drawing admiring looks from passersby.

Girls naturally gravitated towards cute items, and a giant teddy bear was a universal favorite.

Norah spotted the animal research club's tent nearby. It was a quiet spot, manned by a few members but otherwise ignored.

Intrigued, she approached and discovered that the club was displaying a collection of fierce-looking reptiles and amphibians.

Within a clear enclosure, snakes rested either on the bottom or wound around the placed branches, flicking their tongues while coldly watching the onlookers.

Other enclosures housed creatures like lizards, hedgehogs, tarantulas, sugar gliders, pet rodents, and ferrets- all rare and unusual pets.

The club members noticed the newcomer, and one of them, a boy, eagerly called out, "These pets are so cute! Want to pet them? They're very friendly and won't bite."

Norah glanced at him strangely, as if he was clueless. Some of these reptiles were naturally cautious around strangers and could bite at any time. How could he claim they were harmless?

Embarrassed by her look, the boy scratched his head and stammered, "Uh, I meant those animals. Definitely avoid touching the snakes; they really will bite."

He gestured toward the mice and lizards, known for being much gentler.

Undeterred, the boy continued passionately. Their club had few participants, and the animals they displayed often frightened people away. Their tent was one of the least visited.

He was determined to show that some people did appreciate these fascinating creatures.

Norah wasn't fazed by these animals. She had been on assignments in tropical jungles, encountering a variety of stunning yet deadly creatures.

Many of them could be lethal with just a small wound.

Suddenly, Norah felt like interacting with them. It had been a while since she'd encountered such interesting animals since returning to Glophia.

"Can I touch this snake?" she inquired. The boy hesitated for a moment before answering, "That's a black mamba, a dangerous and venomous species. It's not safe to handle."

If this pretty girl got bitten, she might not make it.

The snake, as thick as an arm and coiled into a ball, lazily flicked its tongue, its small black eyes resembling glass beads.

"I'll take full responsibility if anything happens," Norah assured him.

In the past, she had even danced with snakes and didn't fear even the deadliest of them.