Chapter: 1593
A wave of exhilaration washed over her, her cheeks warming with excitement. Confronting the nightmare of that day, she realized it wasn't as terrifying as she remembered, and she truly could complete a grand performance.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she soaked in the long-missed applause and praise, her emotions overflowing.
Suddenly, reality seeped back, and she saw Norah's worried face before her.
"Kayla, how do you feel?" Norah had guided Kayla back to a day she had dreaded, hoping it would help her overcome her past fears.
"Norah, thank you," Kayla embraced Norah, tears streaming as she said. "I've avoided that day for so long, always haunted by that regret. Thank you."
Norah patted her and replied, "It's okay, Kayla. You bravely finished that piece. Now tell me, is there anything else you fear?"
"No. Those mistakes were a nightmare I dreaded recalling. Each time I stepped on stage, I'd think of that incomplete piece and the disappointed audience, which eroded my confidence and made me fear performing."
"Now you can try again, Kayla. Your piano playing is beautiful. It deserves an audience."
Kayla composed herself, wiping her tears. "Norah, I'm sorry for my emotional outburst. I want to try performing on stage now. Without your help, I wouldn't have reconciled with myself so quickly."
Norah offered Kayla some words of comfort, then stood and opened the door. Noticing the worried expressions of those waiting outside, she reassured the Scotts with a smile.
"Everything is fine now. Would you like to hear Kayla play the piano? It's truly enchanting."
Inside the room, Kayla sat poised on the piano bench, her fingers gracefully dancing across the keys, weaving a tapestry of beautiful notes. The listeners at the door stood quietly, their faces reflecting a mix of nostalgia and admiration.
The music's vitality and energy were palpable, signaling a hopeful change.
Sean clasped Norah's hand tightly, their fingers intertwined. “Honey, thank you."
"There's no need for thanks between us. Your mom seems rejuvenated. Let's look forward to her performance."
Norah thought to herself, amused by the prospect of perhaps having a piano virtuoso as a mother-in-law in the future.
Descending the stairs, she noticed a stack of paper on a desk by the living room, complete with ink and pen.
Rodrigo was there, energetically penning characters with his right hand.
Norah paused and then, drawn in by the sight, quietly appreached to watch him practice his calligraphy.
Sean had mentioned Matteo's new hobby of calligraphy, but she hadn't expected Rodrigo to be so advanced in his skills.
Rodrigo wrote a line of poetry, his strokes bold and fluid, the ink deeply saturating the paper.
"Excellent calligraphy," Norah exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with appreciation. "I didn't know you practiced calligraphy, Rodrigo. Your technique is both skilled and graceful, truly impressive."
Having studied art, Norah could discern the nuances of calligraphy.
"It's been too long since I last wrote regularly. My skills are rusty," Rodrigo remarked, setting down his pen and surveying his work with a critical eye, his expression tinged with disappointment.