Chapter: 263
“Enough chatter. Hurry up!" came the sharp retort, laced with flirtation. Laughter, both sultry and ominous, filled the air, sending chills down Norah's spine.
Through the window, the silhouettes of four individuals became discernible, suggesting that Kason was indeed within their midst.
The challenge before Norah was daunting. How could she possibly extricate Kason from the clutches of the Fox Alliance, especially when they were ensconced within a fortress teeming with adversaries?
Preliminary observations suggested the compound was a stronghold, potentially harboring upwards of a hundred members.
In moments that seemed to stretch with tension, two guards emerged from the room, sealing the door behind them and positioning themselves as sentinels.
“Even after all these years, Hilda's weakness for handsome faces remains. Some things never change."
"Quiet, lower your voice. If she catches you, you'll regret it."
"Why hold back? What's the harm in speaking the truth? She's climbed the ranks, and now she indulges herself indoors while we stand watch outside. Let's just quietly tune into the goings-on inside."
Meanwhile, Norah, ever the strategist, assessed the building's layout.
Styled akin to a rural bungalow, its single-story structure presented a challenge with its securely locked windows and closely watched front entrance. She faced the daunting task of infiltrating the building silently, a task made near impossible without creating a disturbance.
Concealed in the darkness, Norah weighed her limited options. Armed with only a dagger and crossbow bolts, the choice of bringing guns was out of the question due to the strict gun control laws of the country.
As Norah deliberated, the sound of stealthy footsteps caught her attention. Who could that be? Pressing herself against the wall, she prepared for a potential threat. Who would even think to come to check this corner? If only a single individual approached, she was confident in her ability to launch a counterattack.
As the shadow neared, Norah inhaled sharply, holding her breath. A man moved quickly toward her, signaling silently as he approached.
Norah gave him a questioning glance. What was Sean doing here?
Without a word exchanged, an unspoken agreement was formed between them, united by a common purpose.
Sean's mere presence lent Norah an unanticipated comfort, his silhouette a silent promise of support.
Norah gestured toward the house, silently communicating Kason's predicament.
Sean, understanding the gravity of the situation, responded with a determined nod.
Sean assumed his decision to join Norah in infiltrating a gang's headquarters to rescue Kason who could be seen as a romantic rival was nothing short of audacious. Yet, his actions spoke volumes. If Norah was brave enough to undertake this venture, he was equally committed.
Their moment to act arrived unexpectedly when a commotion broke out at the main entrance.
Hilda, momentarily distracted and partially disrobed, demanded, “\ihat's happening outside?"
“I'll go check," someone responded, trying to soothe her impatience with a promise of investigation.
"Keep it quiet. Don't interrupt me," Hilda insisted, emphasizing her desire not to be disturbed.
With the diversion reducing the guard at the door to a single individual, the opportunity Sean and Norah had been waiting for presented itself.