Chapter: 390
Even so, Norah acknowledged that the recklessness was mutual, and somehow, it didn't seem amiss to her.
Immersing herself in the bath, she plunged underwater, holding her breath with intensity until the urgent need for air overwhelmed her.
Surfacing abruptly, she gasped for breath. "Whoosh!"
Clearing her face with her hands, her vision, once blurred by water, sharpened.
Her mind shifted to Sean. Should she say yes to Sean's advances?
Sean had made a valid point. Her hesitation and her fear of commitment was palpable.
But it felt like no time had passed since her separation from Derek.
However, she found herself easily swayed by Sean's presence or his words, pondering when affection began to take root.
Every time Sean was around, her heart would race. In his absence, her thoughts would subconsciously drift to him, filled with curiosity about his day, and she would even think if he had already eaten. She yearned to know every part of his Life.
ALL these sentiments, kept secret from the world, weighed heavily on her.
The prospect of entering a new relationship so soon after her divorce, regardless of potential gossip, was a hurdle Norah found daunting.
However, there was something about Sean's allure and enigma that captivated her. She found herself drawn to every facet of Sean, eager to uncover the stories that shaped him.
The day's events, the quiet support, and the careful attention he had shown were exactly what she yearned for. Maybe, just maybe, she should consider giving this a chance?
Norah did hold a belief in love.
Growing up in a remote village, it was the generosity of the villagers that sustained her, but one couple in particular had made a lasting impact on her.
In their thirties, the husband limped from an injury sustained in youth during a logging accident, and the wife bore scars from a mishap with boiling water.
This couple was known for their kindness, looking after the elderly and children of the village, with Norah receiving a great deal of their affection. Norah often fantasized that they were her own parents. Life as an orphan was harsh, and she yearned for the warmth of family love.
When bandits raided the village, the husband concealed Norah and his wife in a cupboard, confronting the intruders alone to protect them and ultimately sacrificing his life in their courtyard.
Even as he lay dying, his gaze was filled with concern for them.
Huddled in the cupboard, the wife's tears cascaded from her eyes, deeply imprinting the moment on her heart.
The wife held a somber funeral for her husband and, under the cover of night, drowned herself in the village's river.
Following the villagers to the scene, Norah witnessed the tragic sight of the wife's lifeless body, bloated by the water.
Reflecting on this, Norah wondered how could anyone choose such a path. The wife could've lived a long and happy life, yet it was relinquished so readily.
With maturity, Norah came to grasp perhaps this was the essence of love. It was about the inability to envisage a life without the other, a bond so deep that existence seemed futile in their absence.