Chapter: 415
You two, go grab her. I want the pleasure of stripping her myself."

The two selected men advanced toward Norah, reaching out to seize her.

"Ah, don't know what you did to tick off Jack. After dealing with us, you'll have to deal with him, too. Truly..."

"Bang. Bang." Two intense gunshots rang out, cutting short the man's arrogant words and causing everyone in the building to experience a momentary ringing in their ears.

Upon closer inspection, the two men who had been poised to grab Norah were now writhing in pain on the ground, clutching their injured areas.

In the shadows of the building across the street, two men from the Sacredice were crouching and attempting to find an optimum position when they suddenly heard the sounds of several gunshots.

"Was that you?" one of them asked the other curiously.

The other guy shook his head and replied, "It's not me. Probably from Miss Wilson. That gunshot came from a Beretta handgun. Our leader gave her one, right?"

“Well, that explains why she had the guts to follow them," said the first speaker.

The two of them had been directed to follow Norah secretively and ensure her safety. This task only came their way starting from today.

Without much knowledge about Norah, they had deemed her a weak woman, only to find their assumption wrong. By all indications, Norah wasn't the typical damsel in distress.

“Anyway, I don't think the pistol has enough bullets. Let's secure the gun, okay? We might end up needing it," the first speaker suggested.

His partner nodded and replied, "Of course."

Norah raised the muzzle of the gun to her lips and blew off the smoke that was coming out of it. Raising her eyes, she said icily, "Sorry, it was a little bit noisy just now and I didn't quite catch what you said. If you don't mind, could you repeat yourself?"

The men around Norah, with their eyes widened in surprise, knelt on the floor as their now weak legs gave in.

Although these men had bossed around and done numerous illegal activities under Jack's instruction, they knew very well that apart from Jack and a few of his most trusted men, no one else was permitted to be equipped with firearms.

Firearms were hard to get in Otland. Even Jack, supposedly the Leader of all the troublemakers in the entire East Zone, had his power limited due to how rare guns were in Otland. In fact, when Local gangs fought each other, guns were rarely seen. The weapons used were mostly knives, machetes, and iron bars. So, they were quite surprised that Norah had a gun on her.

With speed and a level of accuracy that would impress any gang leader, Norah had shot each man in the leg, crippling them on the spot.

“You, come here," Norah said as she aimed the gun at the head of these four men and gestured toward a spot near her.

The man groaned as he, with the aid of his two hands, crawled toward the spot, dragging his injured leg along.

No one dared to defy Norah who was holding a gun.

“What were you guys trying to achieve by beating up my friends in her ward today?" Norah asked coldly.

The man opened his mouth to say something, but not a single word came out. How on earth did Norah know that they had visited the ward?

The four men cowered back in fear with their mouths sealed shut, afraid that they would offend Norah.