Chapter: 441
Jack unveiled a box containing four rifles and four handguns. His crew quickly armed themselves.

Jack grabbed a handgun. It wasn't top-of-the-line like a Beretta handgun, but it was lethal nonetheless.

Once armed, Jack's crew didn't hesitate to fire, filling the cramped space with echoing gunshots.

Reacting to the initial shot, Norah, Phillip, and Kelvin drew their weapons, poised to strike back or defend as necessary.

Norah didn't aim at killing these gangsters. "I only want Jack's life.

Step back, and you'll be spared."

Her commanding voice cut through the chaos of the gunfight, causing hesitation among the gangsters.

Aware of their armed opponents, the gangsters doubted their survival.

They were in it for the paycheck, not to lay down their lives foolishly. Their instinct was to survive.

When someone tried to retreat, Jack's trusted subordinate kicked them.

"If you try to run, Jack won't go easy on you later."

Jack's reputation for brutality meant even deserters could face death.

Frightened by the warning, the wavering gangsters gripped their guns and charged, disregarding their wounds.

Norah, forced to respond, shot to incapacitate these gangsters, aiming to hinder rather than claim their lives. As a physician, her precision was clinical, ensuring she hit her targets without fail.

With the focus of a hawk, Norah disarmed these gangsters, shooting the weapons from their hands.

But as soon as a gun dropped, another gangster would snatch it up and open fire.

Undeterred, Norah continued to demonstrate her precise marksmanship, knowing she could eliminate them swiftly if not for their innocence.

Despite having over fifty gangsters, the standoff with Norah and the other three persisted, infuriating Jack. "Idiots! How can you not overpower four individuals?"

Jack couldn't fathom his crew's incompetence, especially against a group that included a seemingly delicate woman like Norah.

Jack's trusted subordinate, having emptied his gun, crawled to Jack and said, "Sir, I'm out of bullets.”

Jack's response was a sharp slap. “Loser!”

The subordinate, nursing his stung face, asked, "Sir, do we flee or fight to the end?"

"Escape isn't an option for me. Try to run, and I'll send you straight to hell!" Jack, nursing his wounded shoulder, seethed in frustration.

Norah and the other three were sharpshooters and didn't miss a shot.