Chapter: 443
Upon hearing him, all eyes turned toward Jack.

"Sir, you're seriously leaving us behind?"

"Jack, aren't we supposed to stand and fight together?"

“Hey, you're our leader!"

As Jack's crew ceased their assault, they watched in stunned silence as their leader left them for dead.

Bearing the agony of three bullet wounds, Jack pushed through the pain in his bid for escape, only to be halted by his crew's questioning. He faced them, managing a forced smile on his pallid face. "Listen, I'm off to grab more weapons for you. Just hold them off, and I promise there'll be rewards for everyone!"

Lucky for Jack, his words managed to rally his troops.

After all, as their leader, it wasn't surprising for Jack to have access to additional arms. The ammunition and weapons previously distributed were now depleted.

With renewed vigor, Jack's crew resumed their assault.

“Sir, go quickly. I'll cover for you."

“Make it fast. We're running out of time here."

“Sir, I'm counting on the weapon supplement."

Jack's crew had previously dominated larger gang confrontations with ease, but the fact that they hadn't been in the upper hand for a single minute despite their numerical advantage against Norah and the other three sapped their morale dearly. They were eager for a chance to turn the tide with better firepower.

As Jack observed his crew throwing themselves into the fray, his gaze was void of any warmth. Clenching his jaw, he made a beeline for the hidden room.

Phillip took in the scene before him. More than twenty gangsters blocked their path. "Mr. Scott, Miss Wilson, Jack is attempting to flee. Kelvin and I will hold off the gangsters. Please, proceed to apprehend him," he proposed.

The idea of Norah pursuing Jack without support was out of the question, as Sean's concern for her safety was paramount. Phillip was confident in his ability to manage the gangsters with Kelvin's assistance.

"I'm on board with Phillip's plan. Let's move, honey," Sean declared.

Grasping Norah's hand, he deftly navigated through the gangsters obstructing their pursuit of Jack.

Once Sean and Norah were out of sight, Phillip turned to Kelvin with determination. “Do what you must. Show no mercy."

Their previous encounters with the gangsters had been tempered by Norah's compassionate insistence on sparing their lives. However, Phillip's tenure with the Sacredice had hardened him. Mercy was not a luxury afforded to those who threatened their missions. Their opponents were destined for defeat.

Kelvin's response was a mix of anticipation and grim satisfaction.

“Finally, the moment I've been waiting for," he muttered, his lips curving into a sinister smile.

Drawing a tulwar from its sheath, Kelvin brandished the gleaming blade with expertise. With each graceful swing of his tulwar, a gangster's head was severed, dropping silently to the ground.

"My baby is far more efficient," Kelvin remarked, a chilling bloodlust emanating from him.