Chapter: 630
As the chilly breeze swept through the villa, Sean loosened his tie.

With Norah now living here, Sean sensed a newfound liveliness in the house.

He shrugged off his suit jacket, rolled up his shirt sleeves to his elbows, and reached out to straighten the clutter on the coffee table.

He had a little case of obsessive-compulsive disorder and just couldn't resist arranging everything neatly.

With Phillip and the maid's help, his villa gleamed clean and spotless.

Maybe Norah was tied up with tasks. The villa had bits left unpacked, and a few spots were dusty. On the coffee table, lay brochures from Silver Boulder Private Hospital and a stack of medical files.

While tidying, Sean dropped a paper. When he picked it up, he accidentally unfolded a page.

It detailed leukemia.

With Susanna's diagnosis in mind, Sean's gaze fell to the document, and he read it carefully.

“Sean, what are you reading?"

After changing, Norah rushed downstairs, swiftly taking the papers from his hand.

"It's hospital paperwork. I left it here by mistake. Don't worry about it."

She pulled open a drawer, shoved all the papers inside, and firmly shut it.

Sean's expression darkened. Did Norah intend to keep this from him?

What was she hiding?

He straightened himself slowly and asked, “Norah, I just read something about leukemia on that paper. Is it about Susanna?"

Avoiding eye contact, Norah replied, "No. Those papers are from the hospital. Nothing to do with Susanna She had left the papers on the table without tidying them away.

“Norah, if anything goes wrong with Susanna, I hope you can tell me.

I'm her brother, after all. I think I've got a right to know how she's doing.”

"Do I need to keep her condition secret from you?"

Norah shot him a disapproving glance, then gathered the rest of her hair with a rubber band from the table.

“Have you eaten yet?"

It was already five twenty in the afternoon. Feeling low after sorting through the Wilson family stuff, she craved cooking up something tasty to treat herself.

“You didn't respond to anything I asked."