Chapter: 632
"What did they say, darling?"

Norah's voice snapped him out of his distracted state.

He walked back to the kitchen. "Uh huh. They're coming back."

He snagged a piece of beef. “I can help out.”

Norah looked up sharply and nodded towards the kitchen cabinet.

“There's an apron in there."

He was dressed in a white shirt, hardly the right attire for cooking.

Sean opened the cabinet and found a light pink apron and an orange one. After a brief pause, he chose the light pink one, the same color as Norah's, and put it on.

Norah couldn't help but laugh. "Darling, I never imagined you'd look so good in light pink."

He was dressed in a white shirt and black pants, but the light pink apron draped over his tall frame made him look somewhat hilarious.

Norah looked at him and burst into laughter again.

Oh-- Sean, it's not you. Haha... What do you want to help cook?"

Norah laughed so much that her eyes squinted shut. Sean could only gaze at her, feeling a bit helpless. He didn't mind.

Since Norah found it amusing and laughed, he was fine with it.

When Susanna and the others got back and saw Sean in the light pink apron, they couldn't stop laughing.

Phillip stood beside the sofa, chuckling as he glanced over at Sean in the kitchen.

Since meeting Norah, Sean had tried many new things. Phillip thought they all seemed quite alright.

At least a man in a light pink apron had a charm all his own.

Trying to contain her laughter, Susanna snapped several photos of Sean. She planned to include them in an album dedicated to Sean and Norah.

She was sure they would appreciate the album.

Alice looked on with envy. Since becoming Norah's friend, she marveled at the joy of having such a close circle of friends.

She cherished her independence when alone, but also envied the vibrant companionship others enjoyed.

She realized she could be just like Norah.

As the two of them cooked together in the kitchen, Norah witnessed just how good Sean's cooking was. He was quite skilled.