Chapter: 703
Norah halted, her demeanor cool and collected.

"Who said I came without a gift?"

She had even brought a present to Corrin's birthday party. And for Elsa's event, she had also remembered the gift selection.

“Gilda, please bring my gift here."

A few steps behind, Gilda approached with a jewelry box in hand.

“IT was in a rush. I hope you can like it.”

Gilda opened the box to reveal a jade bracelet nestled on red velvet.

It was of exceptional quality, with a deep, vibrant green hue.

Elsa and her family instantly saw its worth, pegging it near one million dollars.

Even a gift chosen hastily be valued over a million? The crowd was quietly amazed by Norah's generosity.

If Hank or Elsa were in her shoes, they wouldn't dream of spending a million on a birthday gift. It wasn't that they couldn't afford it; they simply preferred not to splash out that much.

In the Wilson household, they believed that money should be spent wisely.

Hank watched the jade bracelet intently, his eyes betraying a touch of longing.

It was clear that Norah was filthy rich. Otherwise, she wouldn't have effortlessly dropped a million on a jade bracelet.

Elsa's face lit up, her smile turning sincere.

"Norah, that was very kind of you. This gift is precious."

Wearing her seven-centimeter pink high heels, Elsa quickly moved over to Gilda and excitedly inspected the jade bracelet inside the jewelry box.

She had always admired the quality and color of the jade at a jewelry store but never felt quite right about buying it herself.

After all, she already owned five similar bracelets. Yet, it was common for women to feel they were just a piece or two short in their collection and adding another wouldn't be a problem.

“Come, take a seat."

A birthday gift of a jade bracelet made the Wilsons let their guard down, thinking Norah had just returned to celebrate Elsa's birthday.

As they all sat down, Elsa rose with a drink in hand.

"Today marks another birthday for me. I'm so glad to have each of you here with me every year. I hope you'll all continue to join me in the future. This year, we have a new addition, my cousin Norah.

Norah, even though you've just come back, I'm sure you'll soon feel at home with us. We're a tight-knit group. Thanks for your thoughtful gift today. It means a lot to me."