Chapter: 709
Gilda wondered aloud, her fingers idly tracing the leaves in the flowerbed.

“She's younger than us, yet her bravery and determination surpass ours."

“Gilda, we've yet to uncover any information about her past."

Chayce's expression remained stoic. "She is exceedingly mysterious.

Do not underestimate her."

Gilda sighed, her heart weighed down by worry. "Alas, seeing her in such situations is truly heartbreaking. I can't help but feel sorry for her."

Meanwhile, Norah methodically followed her mental blueprint, successfully planting bugs and cameras in Elsa's and Hank's bedroom.

These sophisticated cameras, acquired at a premium from the black market, boasted adjustable monitoring angles via remote commands.

The bugs were equipped with long-lasting batteries, ensuring extended standby operation.

In the villa, the regular bedrooms were left unguarded. Iker remained motionless on his bed, vulnerable to Norah's intrusion.

Yet, the real challenge lay in Iker's study.

Rumors circulated about Iker's meticulous protection of his study, and without a key, entry seemed impossible. Any attempt to breach the lock risked elevating the whole manor's security, potentially exposing her installations.

Moreover, two security personnel maintained their post at the entrance to the study.

Norah rounded a corner in the corridor, her gaze fixating on a square ventilation duct nestled in the ceiling.

Unnoticed by most, a small duct offered a way into the study.

Only someone of childlike stature could navigate its narrow passageway.

However, Norah gently moved the vent cover aside and, with practiced agility, slid inside like a sleek fish. Her bones contorted into an astonishing arc, compressing her form to half its usual size.

Norah skillfully placed the cameras and bugs within Iker's study.

As her eyes met the surveillance camera nestled in the corner, Norah paused momentarily before embarking on her exploration.

The bookshelf primarily housed volumes on management and finance, their well-worn pages testament to frequent perusal.

Approaching the desk, she encountered locked drawers. Retrieving a wire, she adeptly manipulated the mechanism until it yielded.

Her proficiency in lock-picking remained undiminished.

Within the drawer lay various financial statements about Iker's company, guarded as if they were prized possessions, concealed from prying eyes.

After perusing the files, Norah's patience wore thin, prompting her to relock the drawer in frustration.