Chapter: 1124
"I'm sorry, but no, I don't want to settle."
“Even if they propose a substantial amount?" Ephraim pressed on, after a brief hesitation. “Bear in mind, a successful criminal lawsuit doesn't preclude a settlement. The guilty party would still be penalized. It's not a total escape. You might find some measure of closure in that."
Bethany shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper. "No amount of money can make up for my mother's murder."
"I see. I truly do understand." Ephraim nodded. "Very well."
Bethany rose from her chair and exited West Legal Services.
As she settled into her car, a ping from her phone caught her attention — a WhatsApp message from Jonathan.
What could he possibly want now?
Jonathan's status quickly changed to “typing...” yet no message appeared. Moments later, his name alone displayed again.
As he resumed typing, Bethany watched intently, eager to see what he might disclose, her fingers poised but not closing the chat window.
After a prolonged pause filled with apparent hesitation, Jonathan finally broke the silence with a message.
“I accidentally touched it." His response was curt.
The simplicity of her reply belied her anticipation; she had half-expected Jonathan to deflect, blaming the children for meddling with his phone.
Bethany stared at the single word "Oh," feeling as if the conversation were teetering towards a standstill.
Mulling over her next move, she remembered advice from Aimee. To sustain a conversation, one had to continue asking questions, regardless of their nature. As long as the other person was inclined to talk, they would respond.
With that in mind, she typed out another query. “Are you with Nola and Rowan?"
True to Aimee's advice, Jonathan responded promptly, "No, they're at the hotel. I've hired a tutor for them. I just finished a meeting and am in the car."
As Jonathan detailed his recent endeavors, Bethany felt as though no time had passed since their separation.
She longed to ask him whether he would agree to his father's plan of uniting with Samira, yet she hesitated, knowing such a question might disrupt the delicate balance they maintained.
Their current dynamic, though they were ex-spouses, functioned well enough.
With their children linking them, the occasional text sufficed for communication.
Bethany reassured herself with these thoughts.
At a loss for further conversation, she considered setting her phone aside, but then Jonathan sent another message.
“Do you still want to see them today?"