Chapter: 388
If they were innocent, why did her return alarm them?

Nikolas was taken aback, rendered speechless by Bethany's directness and incisive tone.

"I'm aware that you're a friend of Jonathan's, and you want him to end up with Maddie. But I've moved on from all that. And to answer your question, my aim isn't to reunite with Jonathan," Bethany clarified firmly.

As she spoke, the ash from Nikolas's cigarette dropped to the ground, narrowly missing his hand.

He squinted, scrutinizing the woman before him. “Do you know he's getting married?"

“I'm aware.”

"Not the least bit affected?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Bethany." Nikolas smirked. "You're as ruthless as ever! No wonder Jonathan was so taken with you."

Bethany's expression turned sour. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm just shocked to see you after all these years," Nikolas admitted with a shrug. "I wanted to catch up, that's all. There's no need to be on edge; I'm not like the others."

“I don't have anything to talk about with you." Bethany attempted to walk away.

Nikolas stepped in front of her, blocking her path. “You might be interested to know about Jonathan, and who he's marrying."

His disbelief was palpable as Bethany showed no curiosity.

"Do I need to know?" she asked.

It seemed obvious that Jonathan would choose Maddie. No one else would satisfy the Bates family.

Annoyed by her indifference, Nikolas pulled out his phone and dialed Jonathan.

Jonathan usually ignored Nikolas’ calls, finding them pointless. But today, he picked up after just two rings.

Bethany's hand twitched as if a thorn pricked her heart.

“Hello? What's up?"

Ignoring him, Nikolas switched the phone to speaker and faced Bethany.

“So, you have nothing to ask him? Why not find out from him who his bride is?"

Bethany stood there, unable to speak.

"Jonathan, guess who's right here?" Nikolas asked, glancing meaningfully at Bethany.