Chapter: 2699

Soon, the temporary captain issued a new order to them. The reactionaries were blowing up bridges and roads in the nearby city. They had already occupied the entire city.

The vanguard team is not arranged by the captain, but chosen voluntarily. Zhan Limo was the first to sign up. After he signed up, Zhuang Momo and others followed suit. Zhan Limo stared at Zhuang Momo fiercely, and whispered: " Zhuang Momo, you are a woman, what are you doing?" "Then do you think those rioters let them live because they are women and children?" Zhuang Momo's eyes are never far away, one big and one small The two corpses were collected back, "They don't even spare women and children, so there is no distinction between women and children on the battlefield, only war

The difference between friend and foe. "

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