Chapter: 101
With a resigned expression, Jay had his minions search for their swords. Only two were recovered, apparently the monster escaped with a sword embedded in it.
Furrowing his brows, Jay decided to upgrade another skeleton with better bones using the new silt-wolf corpse.
“Come here” he said, a white-bone minion approaching. Jay grabbed the ossein swords from it and desummoned, adding its bones back into the ring as he cast “Raise” on the silt wolf before retreating to cover.
The new feeble creature that awaited him was a little different – it’s bones were still cobalt-blue, but it had specks of red in them.
“Hmm… probably was eating different coloured rocks?” considered Jay, guessing as he decided to name it “You’re Red. Literally red, but that’s also your name now” he chuckled to himself before turning to the other one “And you’re…” Jay thought about naming it something stupid like ‘brown’, almost laughing before he could finish his sentence, but realizing it could be confusing later on, so he decided to be logical “Blue.” he smiled “Red and Blue.”
Looking at the one skeleton he had left that wasn’t upgraded “For you, we’ll have to wait till we can see the next bone’s colours.” he shrugged, picking up three more metal plates from the wolf’s corpse.
Jay went over to inspect the are the mana pulse came from. As he neared, there was a ring of dust and soil that had been blown out, while no blood appeared to stain the ground.
“Must be another silt wolf type” thought Jay as he deconstructed the information “Hopefully we can kill it next time.” he squinted with revenge, looking around the cave.
Sitting on the ground, Jay pulled out some cobalt-blue bones and formed three more ossein swords, one as a replacement for the missing one, and two more for emergencies.
He had plenty of bone to make daggers, but not many blue bones left; He could make swords from the normal bones too, but they wouldn’t be as strong. Still needing at least one more siltwolf to fully upgrade his party, many more were needed still for future weapons as well as the possibility of an emergency re-summoning.
“I guess since I’m planning to ditch Mark and Kel, I can stay a bit longer.” Thought Jay as he looked towards a cave entrance on the other side, some of the crystals glowing “Whatever went past it caused them to glow” Jay reasoned, beginning to hunt whatever it was.
“Hold the ladder steady”
“I’m holding it” Tamara looked up at her dad awkwardly pulling the snakeraven sign off it’s hooks, she firmly gripped the ladder.
Hearing a carriage coming, she saw Bertram coming.
“He’s back dad, the fat guy.”
“Good. His patronage will keep us going for months. Here, grab the sign.”
Grabbing the sign off her dad, Tamara took it inside just as Bertram pulled up.
“Hello, you’re not closing are you?”
“No no, just cleaning the sign.”
“Wonderful. Same deal as last night please.” Bertram smiled, thinking of the juicy steaks he indulged on in the previous few nights.
Devin nodded, “See you inside. Same price.” as he picked up the ladder, going through a gate on the side of the inn, taking the ladder with him. “I’m gunna need some more food” he thought as he brushed his moustache with his fingers.
“Hmm, I’ll need to make sure to tell Tamara that the official excuse for taking the sign down is for cleaning. We don’t need to risk offending the soldiers”.
Devin was closing the inn while the soldier troops visited for collection in the next few days, knowing that they would likely cause trouble with Tamara. It was well-known what soldiers did to people they considered peasants, and no one with enough authority to punish soldiers would care about some innkeeper’s daughter in a distant, worthless village.
“They can stay in their tents, they’re soldiers after all.” Devin reasoned as he went inside, waiting for Bertram at the counter.