Chapter: 107
This proved to be ineffective at stopping it as it started to charge again, meanwhile Jay and Lamp still had not dispatched the siltwolf.
“Dammit, I won’t let you escape again.” Jay didn’t lose his cool as he flung another unstable tooth at the siltwolf to help Lamp out before he ran over to Red and Blue, intending to stab whatever this variant was.
Charging at it, the first thing he did was smash his shield against its body – the light on the creature flickered and seemingly slowed it’s charge speed based on the luminosity. Jay smiled widely as he realised his shield was causing mana burn.
“Ha, you’re fucked now.” He smashed it wildly with his shield, burning away more of it’s mana.
The mana-light stopped growing brighter at this point. One of the fleshy flaps was missing so Jay stabbed his ossein sword straight in, helping to disrupt the mana gathering process through the raw pain of his sword.
Now that his sword had pierced it, the mana-organ of the creature stopped gathering and completely dissipated.
The creature, knowing it couldn’t cause a physical-pulse, attempted to flee. However, Red and Blue had already done far too much damage to it, one of its front legs was so heavily damaged that it seemed to be dangling from a piece of its hide.
With a whimper, it released another pulse as it’s final act – but this one was not mana based.
[300 Exp].
Jay leant down to look at the creature, “What the…” the creature died before Jay could analyse it, and Lamp was still carrying the light so he couldn’t see it clearly yet. “Did it sacrifice its own life to do that weak pulse? And the pulse didn’t even do anything, it wasn’t physical or magic based…?”
As Jay was thinking these things, he had to get back into a fighting stance as the siltwolf dashed over to fight, for some reason it was ignoring Lamp.
“Are you stupid…” Jay raised a brow, confused by the silfwolf charging at him, Red and Blue. Even though it was half-health, it’s body riddled with stabs and chunks of hide missing from the unstable tooth explosions, it charged into a three versus one fight.
Suddenly, Jay’s shield detected more enemies, squeezing his arm as a warning. Two more silt wolves rushed out of the shadows. Jay raised his shield in time as a silt wolf slashed at it with it’s claws.
Lamp ran over to assist. The fight turned into a four verse three – Jay and Lamp both fighting the near-dead siltwolf – while this time Blue and Red held off the other two.
Thanfkully, the cobalt-blue bone skeletons were incredibly durable. Jaw and claw attacks landing on their bones would only leave slight grazes and indentations – instead of being broken or shattered completely.
Jay dodged a wolf bite as he smashed back with his shield and slashed with his ossein sword. Lamp stabbed it just behind the jaw but it’s sword got stuck – Jay quickly smashed the wolf with his shield, forcing it back a few steps as he handed his sword to Lamp then summoned another from his inventory.
“Emergency relief” He smiled – the wolf seemed to look confused as its opponent’s face changed into a menacing shape.
A few more cuts, slashes and stabs later the weakened wolf slowed down and died, Jay landing the final thrust of his sword – stamping his foot on it’s head as he planted the sword behind its skull, severing it’s spine.
[200 Exp]
Jay considered sending Lamp to help with the other fight and relaxing, but he decided it was kinda invigorating and fun to fight, so he continued to slay the other two wolves with the help of his minions. Lamp and Red fought one while Jay and blue fought the other.
The first wolf died to Lamp and Red – mainly because Lamp didn’t need to worry about being damaged.
[200 Exp]
[Short Sword Proficiency Level 1 – Acquired]
Not reading the notification, Jay helped with the last enemy. The final wolf didn’t last long as six swords, all crafted from the wolf’s own bones, slashed it and stabbed it to death – three skeletons and Jay easily dispatched a single wolf at this point.
[200 Exp]