Chapter: 111
Breathing heavily, Alevo was covered in sweat and panting, with his hands on his knees he was trying to catch his breath.

“I’ve… I’ve got to keep running, got to get help… before it’s too late…” Alevo spits on the ground and starts jogging again towards Losla “I’ll have to run all night… or there won’t be anything left.”

He gritted his teeth and pushed on through the dark forest in the night.

A few heavy knocks sounded from outside the door of Michaels bedroom. He lived in the adventurers association for free, and slept in one of the nicer rooms since he was the guard captain.

“Better be important.” he thought to himself as he got up and opened the door enough to have his head poke out since he slept naked.

A soldier with a stern expression stood in front of him.

“Sir. There’s a developing situation. Would you like the report now?”

“Give me a minute.” Michael closes the door and turns around, putting a simple shirt and pants on before leaving his room and joining the soldier in the hallway.


“A man named Alevo came to the garrison early this morning, before the sun came up. He claimed to be from a small hamlet, south east of here. He said the hamlet was being harassed by tiny demons”

Michael had a quizzical expression “..demons?”

“His words, sir.”

“Hmm. I’ll have to question him. Where’d you put him?”

“Bottom floor sir, in a bed since he passed out.”

Michael only yawned in response “Return to duties.” He made a hand gesture to shoo away the soldier as he returned to his room to freshen up, changing into his normal clothes and armour..

He lightly polished his bux beetle pauldrons and his boots before marching out of his room

Walking down the hallway, he entered a slightly larger room with a few tables and chairs, sitting down to eat his usual breakfast – herbs, mushrooms and sausages. These were all cooked by one of the soldiers every morning as part of their duties.

The soldier-chef was always amazed by how much Michael ate in the morning – ten sausages and seven hand-sized mushrooms; though the amazing part was that Michael had the chiselled body of an athletic champion.

Instead of growing weary of his duty – which was having to cook breakfast every day, he came to enjoy seeing this strange thing happening every morning.

After finishing his meal, Michael nodded at the chef as a thankyou and made his way downstairs.

Knocking on the first door of the hallway, Michael opened it slowly – yet this room was empty. The next room he knocked on, Margaret the receptionist opened the door as she whispered to Michael with a smile.

“Morning Mikey” she smiled as she gestured to the man she was looking after behind her “He’s exhausted. I think he’s been running all night, his feet are all blistered.”

“Mm” Michael nodded at Margaret and looked at the man in the bed. Alevo was breathing lightly while Michael made a decision and walked in.

“I have some questions.”