Chapter: 114
Jay leaned on his side in bed, looking out the window at the mist-sheep in a nearby field for a few minutes while he was still waking up. He always enjoyed watching them phase to mist with the rest of the herd-cloud, while periodically turning back to sheep again when leaving the safety of their mist-form to eat some grass. Mist-sheep had to be farmed by mages who practiced water-based manacraft, otherwise no one could force them out of their mist form.
“Well, I can’t spend all day in bed.” Jay had planned to go to the adventurer association to buy a tent, and camp outside of stink-rat marsh – but now he didn’t see the point anymore since he could just stay at home.
“I think today I’ll head back to the wolf’s quarry dungeon. Maybe I’ll reach the boss this time.” Jay thought as he mentally willed the skeletons to exit the stink-rat marsh and wait near the wolf quarry. “Thanks to the tooth stockpile, It’ll be way easier with all the unstable teeth spells I’ll be shooting.”
Jay had his breakfast like usual, adding a little bondtussle root for the flavour and the mana regeneration buff.
Leaving his house, he was walking to the forest before he realised he needed to make a trip to the adventurer guild to sell his monster drops; his inventory being 93% full.
Jay began walking to the bottom of the hill, arriving at the path towards the adventurer association, then he noticed a familiar face walking down – Anya.
Sighing, he kept walking up the hill, knowing that she would probably try to rope him into a dungeon run.
As they got closer to each other, Anya was the first to speak.
“Goodmorning Jay” she smiled..
Jay only looked back at her blankly “Morning.” and kept walking.
Anya stopped and started walking with him “I need help with something, there-“
“No sorry, I’m busy” Jay cut her off.
“Doing what?”
“Stuff.” He bluntly said.
“There’s a reward from Sullivan himself” she sounded desperate.
Jay stopped for a moment, turning to her. He didn’t say anything but only raised an eyebrow, gesturing to her to continue whatever it was she was going to say – a total power move.
Anyas voice then sounded soft and worried “There’s a small settlement that’s being attacked by forest monsters. Two days journey from here. They need our help Jay, an innocent child has already been killed…” she looked at Jay with her purple eyes, trying her best puppy dog expression.
Jay paused for a moment, thinking to himself “Hmm… I’ll do it. For the sake of the people I’ll do it; but maybe I can squeeze something nice out of her.”
“Why should I help?” tilting his head to the side, Jay began to bargain.
“Uh.. Well, there’s a reward. Sullivan didn’t say what it would be, but that it will be worth it” Anya told a half-truth to Jay, hoping he would accept before adding “Plus, there will be lots of experience. Apparently only one or two of the high level guards would be needed for this, but we can handle it.”
Jay scratched his chin, pretending to be thinking about the deal before accepting.
“Fine, but the reward better be good.”
Anya stopped smiling and her puppy dog eyes returned to normal, with an expressionless voice with a straight face.
“Great. I’ve got other people to recruit. Be ready to leave in one hour.” she sounded professional as ever.
“Creepy” Jay thought to himself, realizing she was a better actor than he was, since he actually thought she was going to cry.