Chapter: 116
“Yeah, I see. I’ll just go have a look then.” Jay went to touch the crystal before hearing a shout behind him.
“Ah Pebbles, you ate my jerky!” Jay turned around to look at Lillian frowning at her furball pet. “Greedy little floof!”
Noticing Jay was still there, and smiling cheekily at her, she suddenly became more composed.
“Well, don’t browse it here, I’m busy. Touch the crystal and you’ll be connected to it for thirty minutes. Come back when you have something to sell… or buy.”
“Oh, right. Sorry… Nice meeting you.. And Pebbles” Jay acted polite as he left the room and closed the door quietly – though still having a smile.
Back in the room with the benches, he realised why they were there now. Touching the gemstone in the wall, he sat down on a bench as he received a notification.
[Trade Platform Accessed]
[29 Minutes remaining]
“Hmm…” Jay waiting a moment until it went down to twenty-eight minutes before touching the gemstone again.
[29 Minutes remaining]
“I see.” he though, sitting down to browse the list.
“Hmm…” he entered the shield section and found another buckler sub-section under it. Going into it, he found out the true price of the old buckler he bought.
“Man, Bertram is one greedy piece of shit.” Jay found the real market price of the items that Bertram was selling.
The price Jay paid after his little discount was 15 gold. The market listing was 12 gold for a similar one. Initially, Bertram wanted 30 gold for it – and then he would trade it in for a miniscule discount on the next overpriced item he sells.
Jay only wondered why no one warned the new recruits about Bertram. The only conclusion he could come to was that they didn’t tell them so that the new adventurers would learn a lesson. While it may seem like a valuable lesson now, it would certainly be much cheaper to learn as young adventurers rauther than later in their journey. Perhaps Bertram would even be a fond memory someday as they bartered with another crafty, cunning trader.
“Hmm. Well, I’ll probably have even better bone weapons and maybe even armour at that point.” he grinned with pride “Time to see how much these drops are worth.”
“Hmm ok, so three fur scraps sell for 1 gold.” Jay checked his inventory “So that’s 10 gold since I have thirty scraps.”
Jay brought out thirty scraps, placing them on the bench by his side.
“Next is the tiny green crystals from those bayrings… hmm, let’s see… okay so 0.7 gold per crystal. Since I have seventy, that will give me… about… hmm, I’m not sure.” Jay shrugged, “I’ll have to trust Lillian.” The system didn’t have a calculator, and Jay wasn’t as educated as the nobles.
“Now… the ferritic plates. 1.3 gold per plate. Not bad.” Jay wondered why they were slightly more expensive than what he expected – based on the prices of the other drops.
“Hmm, they probably make armour and weapons out of these. Perhaps it’s due to the war going on in the north…” he continued checking his inventory
“Hmm, now the silt-wolf spines…” Jay spent some time searching for spines, wolf bones – yet nothing came up except for things such as ornograff beaks, or yuule and dragon bones.
Jay exhaled in frustration while searching, but nothing – “What the…” he wondered “Does no one want wolf-spines?” he asked himself sarcastically, chuckling to himself before assuming it might be due to his class “Perhaps it’s a necromancer thing to get these… after all, they were left behind after I used a skill on them..” he glanced at his ring before returning to the hatched door.
Gathering his crystals and putting them back into his inventory, he made his way to the door where Lillian was – knocking three times.