Chapter: 18
– Crowd control skills have no effect.


– 1 pierce damage


– Bleed – 2 flat damage over 3 seconds (Can stack 2 times)

[Poison Resist] (Passive)

– 80% Poison Resistance


[While the name suggests that it may be clean, it is the furthest thing from it.]

“The rat’s large, about the size of a pig – but with a slender body and a long tail.” thought Jay. It was covered completely in a slimy sheen of black fur.

Studying it, Jay was in the process of sizing up his prey.

“Huh, it’s hardly a rat, more like a mutant dog”

A large muscular head was sticking out from the rest of its body;

“Shit… it could easily crush a pumpkin between those jaws.”

Trying his best to be stealthy – as good as a level 2 Necromancer can be – he was sneaking over as the rat appeared to be distracted while eating something.

It’s choice of snack appeared to be decaying wood, causing Jay to pity the oversized rat.

Sneaking ever so closer, Jay wiped the grime off his cooking knife and held it in a reverse grip, preparing himself mentally.

“Kill or be killed” he thought to himself. Sure, Jay could have just left – but in his eyes, returning to a mundane life was as good as being dead.

Now was the time. Stepping forward and then jumping with the grace of a pregnant elephant, Jay broke cover, pouncing at the rat while stabbing down as hard as he could.

Unfortunately, his prey reacted in time. It turned to its side and hissed as Jay’s knife left a deep gash on its ribs – a damage number appeared over the rat.

[- 1]

The rodent hopped back and then used its momentum to plant its paws in the ground and leap, pouncing at Jay’s right hand.

Jay pulled his wrist back and slashed at the rat’s face, leaving a gash across its snout.

[- 1]

“Riiiii~!” The rat screeched as it leapt at Jay again, slashing back at him with its own knife-like claws.