Chapter: 198
Jay considered their heavy, bulky size for a moment as he thought up a battle strategy.

“If I’m fast enough, maybe..” scratching his chin as he thought to himself.

“Maybe I can step around a stone soldier, using it as a barrier and keeping the other one behind it. This way, I would only have to fight one at a time.”

“Then I can just smash their heads open, ending them quickly if I get a stun.”

Nodding to himself, he went over to loot the broken statues.

[Soulstone (empty)]x2

“Soulstone… if these things had souls, maybe they were sentient? …Wow, I almost feel bad for destroying them…”


“Pretty strange loot” Jay thought, putting them both into his inventory.

“I wonder If I get different loot because I’m a necromancer… or technically a monster.” he wondered as he walked past the broken stone gates. So far, the soldiers have not dropped anything useful for Jay.

“Maybe I should have chosen a dungeon with more bones. I really should get more silt-wolf bones at some point.”

The stone warriors didn’t drop anything except empty soul stones and rocks; both of which were completely useless to Jay.

All the buildings he walked past were crumbled and broken, completely unidentifiable at this point. He couldn’t tell which were houses and which were shops, whatever happened here left no buildings standing.

The streets were paved with large, polished, black obsidian stone slabs that had blue mosaics covering them. Though much of the street slabs were covered by debris, Jay could tell that this would have been quite a magnificent and wealthy civilisation at the height of its existence.

Jay walked towards the first pyramid structure, it was covered in polished black obsidian similar to the streets. While the first pyramid was smaller than the others behind it in the distance, it was still huge and majestic in it’s own way. Not including the other pyramid, it was one of the largest buildings Jay had seen in his life – he was merely a butcher living in a small rural village after all.

He crossed by another intersection when something caught his eye in a nearby ruin.

“Hmm…” he squinted at the gleaming light coming from the ruin, “surely it’s not a trap..?”

Approaching whatever caused the gleaming light, he had his shield and sword ready – he didn’t want to take another sword through his chest.

He climbed over a small barricade of rocks and rubble. Next to a broken down wall on the ground was what seemed to be a rusted metal torch holder, originally built into the wall; it was now completely orange and coated with rust, parts of it even seemed fuzzy because of the buildup of rust.

There was no longer any torch in the holder, nor any wood. All life in this city was gone and it seems like that included dead things like wood. Not even moss would grow on the old dilapidated stones here.

Loosely hanging off the metal torch holder was a white necklace, it was similarly not immune to the passage of time as the chain had completely rusted, though the pendant itself was made of porcelain.

Jay gently grabbed the pendant, his hand coated in orange as shavings of rust rubbed off while he moved the chain.

Looking closely at the pendant, it was white with a slight blue hue to it.

“Perhaps this was blue originally.” Jay thought as gazed at it, moving it around in his hand..

The pendant opened itself as he rotated it, whatever the clasp was made of had disintegrated long ago. Some black powdery ash fell out, disappearing in the air before it could reach the ground.