Chapter: 200

The damage was mitigated, but creaking noises sounded from the shield as it made contact. Jay was pushed a few metres to the side, almost falling over completely.

The shield remained intact, but Jay could tell it had been damaged badly as he channelled some of his necrotic essence into it; There was no resistance as the shield greedily absorbed up all the essence it could. It didn’t appear to have any damage, but the veins travelling over it’s surface weren’t glowing anymore, it was as if it had used up it’s internal blood supply of necrotic energy to stop itself from splitting apart.

Jay realised he made a critical mistake after this encounter.

“I better not rely on chance..” he stepped back into the fight after a short analysis.

This was an important lesson which was better to learn early on while the consequences wouldn’t be bad.

He side-stepped a sword thrust and retaliated immediately, bringing the hammer down near it’s shoulder – but the strike was blocked by it’s shield.


Another sweeping strike came which he easily ducked, but missing caused the soldier to stumble and it had to step back, giving Jay another opportunity for another hammer strike.



The hammer landed with a ring, a critical hit in the same spot as before, squarely on it’s head and with just as much force. Three large cracks travelled through the soldier’s head as it dropped to its knees.

Somehow it looked heroic as it fell to its knees, ready for it’s enemy to end it’s life as it knew it had been bested.

For some strange reason, Jay didn’t want to end it’s life. It was like he felt pity for it, or perhaps even respect – nevertheless, with one final solid hit he smashed his hammer against the soldier’s cheek.

The head split into three blocks and fell to the ground alongside the stone warrior’s body.

The other soldier swung forward with it’s sword, leaning over it’s comrades body but not harming it.


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Jay backed up, stepping smoothly out of range of it’s attack. The two skeletons were focusing on it now, but it’s target was still Jay.

Something strange happened as it tried to fight Jay. The stone soldier didn’t walk on the corpse of the other one, it was as if it was showing respect.

“Huh..” Jay walked around the remains of the first stone soldier as the other one did too. It wouldn’t step over it’s fallen comrade.


Jay continued to run around the broken stone statue. The skeletons were still smashing the one chasing him to no end, and soon it fell without Jay even doing any damage to it.

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