Chapter: 202
“Hmm, two more soul stones huh. I wonder if these will be useful.” Jay pocketed the items.

“I wonder how much they would sell for at the market… actually, I should price check everything I loot because my class might cause different loot to drop from the monsters…”

“…Come to think of it, I have probably been pretty careless so far… I’m betting my coat is a special item drop as I haven’t seen anyone else wearing one, and it probably explains why I couldn’t find any teeth or bones on the market.”

Jay scratched his chin as he thought,

“…Though I guess no one but me would want teeth and bones so maybe no one else has bothered to collect them – so at least these soulstones will help to prove my theory.”

Jay began walking towards the black pyramid again, wondering how the empty pendant related to the rest of this dungeon.

Two more stone statues were on the next street – yet this time they wielded long stone spears with thick arrow-head shaped tips.

“Deadly” Jay squinted as he slowly approached them.

After analysing them, the statues were still level three, so none of their stats had changed, only their weapons.

Before beginning the fight, Jay used restoration on his shield. It had taken a lot of damage in the last fight and still needed to be mended. This caused Jay to start to feel light-headed as his mana was close to bottoming out.

Being low mana made him feel this way, even though his energy levels were high he felt a sort of tiredness in his head, and wasn’t as sharp.

“Hmm, 10/67. Getting a little low. There’s no time to rest, so I’ll fight these two and head back.” He decided after checking his mana. After all, he did just craft four hammers, raise two skeletons, and restore his shield.

Jay approached with his skeletons as the spear-wielding stone statues woke up and readied themselves, shields forward. Even though their stats were the same as the swordsmen, they acted very differently..

Their battle stance was low to the ground with their shield raised, their long huge spears held back alongside their shield, poised to strike with a thrust at any moment.

Slowly they marched forward while Jay did too, similarly having his shield up and hammer ready to strike.

The skeletons were sent to each side as they intended to pick at the ankles of the stone warriors.

Jay took the initiative, walking to the side of the first statue so that the second one was now behind his comrade – unable to attack Jay.

“Another easy win.” he smiled, side-stepping to avoid a spear before smashing back with his hammer, nailing the soldier right on it’s elbow; small bits of stone chipping away.

Jumping back he planned for his next strike, but Jay was distracted by something for a moment.

The second statue was now attacking his skeletons – clearly it was not going to bother running around it’s companion and instead just went for the nearest target.

“Dammit. Fall back a little” Jay thought as the skeletons responded to his mental command, they both scrambled backwards and jumped onto some of the destroyed ruins.

One of the skeletons had taken a direct hit already, though there was no significant damage.

Seeing that his enemy was being distracted from the fight gave the stone soldier precious time to strike.


The spear pierced Jay’s shoulder while he was distracted by the other fight.