Chapter: 213
“23 minutes and 15 seconds ago, master.”

“What? Why didn’t you wake me!”

“I attempted to, master. “

Viladore could only sigh, “Dammit, not again… I’m getting old.. Well, maybe tomorrow. It was around this time of day too, perhaps that has something to do with it… Hmm, what keeps happening in the afternoon…” he paced back and forwarth in his office.

“I’ll definitely be awake tomorrow. I’ll cancel class for tomorrow afternoon if I need to. Damn.. class.. I had better get going.”

He left the room, closing the door, then after a moment, opening it again and sticking his head through “Keep practising.” he gave one last instruction before snapping his fingers, causing his robe to fly off the hook and leave through the door with him.

– – –

“A hobbit-boar… not the nicest meat, but it’ll work.” Trenly aimed his bow at the small forest pig, squinting his eyes as he slowly pulled back.

*Struush* the arrow whistled through the air and found it’s target.

“Oh good, instant kill. I won’t have to chase it while it runs off and bleeds to death.” he put his bow in his inventory and pulled out a small hunting knife as he walked towards the small pig.

“I’ll only gut it. That’s how most butchers get their meat from hunters anway. Jay can teach me how to butcher it properly” he thought as he skillfully navigated the small pigs insides with a knife, removing it’s intestines, bladder, lungs, stomach and kidneys.

Usually, hunters would remove all the organs, dumping them on the forest floor before selling the carcass, sometimes taking the liver for themselves if they felt like saving some money on lunch. A skilled hunter would not burst or rupture any organs so as to not taint the meat, and this was one of the first lessons he learnt.

He took out the liver and heart, putting them separately in his inventory with the carcass, wondering if Jay would want to use them later.

“Ok, done.” he wiped his knife on some nearby moss before storing it too.

“Didn’t take too long to find something. It’s a shame that this was all I could find, it’s like all the larger animals have disappeared or something… oh well. Hopefully I can start working for Jay tomorrow.” he smiled, heading back to Losla with his prize just as the sun was even down.

“Mmh” Jay was a little sore from sitting cross-legged on the hard dungeon ground for the last hour, rubbing his back as he got up.

“Mana is full, time to move.” Jay made his way towards the stone soldiers once more.

In this world, the monsters in a dungeon would respawn when someone enters the dungeon or after a certain amount of time – of course, unique items from slain monsters would only be dropped once.

As Jay made his way back to the soldiers, he had a happy spring in his step as he began to think about his previous trip to this dungeon, and how easy it would be now that he was more familiar with it.

“This is kind of fun… Am I having fun?” Jay was surprised to find himself thinking this.

“I think if I didn’t have the need to become stronger I would probably be doing this anyway… I think I quite enjoy just having these adventures… I suppose I need to do it for power, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun.. Anyway, it’s not like I’d simply enjoy being powerful…”

He reasoned as he walked towards his victims, “Gaining power for the sake of it seems to be a waste of time. I’m glad I have at least found enjoyment in the small trivial things, it would be quite depressing if there was nothing special – even more so if I didn’t recognise the special things that came across my path…” he considered as he thought about the majestic large bird-creature he witnessed, the glowing cavern in the silt-wolf dungeon and even his simple life as a butcher as he smiled gently to himself, walking down the hill.

“I bet somewhere out there, in this world, past the endless forests, there’s beings out there with great power that find no enjoyment…”

[Immortality Research 3%]