Chapter: 221
“If a fight happens I’ll just place it on the ground and get out my hammer.”

Jay’s orb was a small, budget-friendly version that wasn’t as bright as Anya’s one. It gave just enough light for Jay to see enemies a few metres ahead of his skeletons, which were walking a few metres ahead of him – though this didn’t really matter to his skeletons which could see in the dark, having the same shade vision skill as his shield. Meanwhile Anya’s would be able to shine twice as far.

Of course, mana orbs weren’t expensive, but Jay was just cheap as he didn’t think he would need to use it very often. He even had some orbs at home, but they were mounted onto the ceiling; Jay had mostly forgotten about them anyway, after his father left there was no one around to channel mana into them to keep them functional. Thankfully, the ambient light from other houses and the silver moons were enough for Jay to get by on; of course, he would light his fireplace and use sugar-candles when it got too dark.

“Mana is so useful…” With a warm smile, he added some mana to his orb as it glowed in his hand, walking into the darkness.

As Jay walked, the large entrance got much narrower, and was slowly becoming smaller; a more human-sized corridor.

“Hmm, it’s starting to feel like another chokepoint…” a slight shiver went up Jay’s spine as he remembered the silk-wood’s dungeon – all the spider corpses piling up into mountains of their own bile and goo as they tried to leave their massive nest, only to be sliced apart. Nevertheless, Jay planned to go back there someday and clear out the nest if he could ever find it again; It shouldn’t be too hard because of all the spiderwebs in the trees leading to that particular dungeon.

Jay began to caution himself “I’ll try this with just two skeletons. If I need to, I’ll quickly summon Sweeper and Blue, otherwise this will be a good combat experience…” he slightly grinned to himself “Not to mention, it’ll probably be fun too.”

*DRRRRR* dust and pebbles fell down from the ceiling near the walls.

The heavy grinding stone sounds came from each side of Jay and his skeletons as the walls started to move downwards.

“My first trap I’m guessing.” he raised his shield a little, curious of what was to come.

Jay wasn’t alarmed, as he expected something like this to happen, and he was still a far higher level than this dungeon – it was still the first of the six pyramids too, so this would surely be more like a beginner’s test, a small taste of what’s to come.

The walls slid down slowly, and Jay was a little surprised. There was no toxic gas, large boulders or poison arrows flying at him – just more statues.

“More soldiers?” Two more stone sliders waited for the wall to drop as their bodies began to move and awaken, dusk and pebbles falling off.

“They must have been here for quite some time…” he thought as he analysed them.

<[Helvetian Soldier – Level 4]>

[50 HP]


[Brittle Armour].

– 40% damage reduction to slashing, stabbing damage.

– 20% more damage taken from crushing damage.

[Helvetia’s Revenge]

– Magic damage immune.

– Any wielded weapons become cursed.

[Double Strike]

– Does two attacks in rapid succession. Each attack is 75% as strong as a normal one.