Chapter: 242
“No, I don’t believe it…” another scoffed, “He’s probably picking off some weak isolated guards.”

Jay continued to walk forward, but a short adventurer with glasses blocked his path.

“Jay was it? How about you join us? I’ll pay.” he said with a proud voice.

“Hmm, he’s not a noble…” Jay thought as he looked at his clothes “So I guess I can reject him without repercussions.”

“No th-”

“Don’t be stupid,” said the short man, a party invitation notification appearing before Jay’s eyes “I don’t invite everyone into my party. You’ll be missing out. Besides, if you don’t,…” he leaned closer to whisper so only Jay could hear.

“I’ll tell everyone that you love Anya”

Jay stopped walking for a moment, smiling with a headshake “…clearly this pathetic little worm doesn’t know me at all.”

The little worm had a smirk on his face and his arms folded before Jay replied.

“Go fuck yourself.” Jay said with a laugh and a big toothy grin, making sure he said it loudly enough so everyone could hear, walking away to the dungeon door.

The little worm had his mouth open, shocked. Clearly his manipulative strategy sounded better in his head.

He was powerless against someone who simply didn’t give a shit about what others thought. His face turned red with embarrassment as he merged back into the crowd – though not before Jay analysed him, remembering his name.

[Stephen – Level 5]

[HP 100%]

[MP 100%]

“Yikes, what a shell of a man, he really should grow up… I’ll remember his name in case he tries to mess with my life.” thought Jay as he finally got to the dungeon door, entering it and disappearing, leaving the crowd with a level of humour as some of them still smirked at Stephen.

“That little bastard…” Stephen stomped with a scowl “I’ll make him pay for this embarrassment…”

He folded his arms as he looked into the forest “hmm, but how… perhaps a little trap in the forest? Yes… that will be good. I am a sentry trapper after all.”

He proudly smirked to himself “That little bastard won’t know what hit him…”

Stephen marched off with his arms folded.

Jay entered the dungeon again, “Oh.. I’m back here?”

He found himself teleported back at the very start of the dungeon.

“I assumed I would be brought back to where I left the dungeon, next to the pyramid… Oh well, I guess I have some walking to do.”

Jay squinted around at the cursed land.