Chapter: 247
A black pillar with a door erected before him, sprouting from the street – the dungeon exit.

“There’s gunna be a slaughter in the marsh today, boys. Meat is back on the menu.” he half-smiled menacingly.

Double checking that he picked up all the crystals and bones, he left.

“Hey, he’s back!”

“Wow, so soon… I wonder how many statues he killed?”

“Quick, ask him to join our group!”

“Hey, we’ll pay you more than them if you join us for the dungeon!”

Jay left the dungeon and found himself in a small crowd. He calmly walked through the crowd of desperate adventurers, ignoring them completely.

Many adventurers wondered why he was doing this dungeon solo, surely he could make much better progress if he was teaming up with others – but little did they know, Jay had his own reasons.

“I can’t party with them anyway, otherwise they will find out about my class…” He didn’t care too much about being alone, as his class more than made up for it.

Still, he was feeling a little disappointed, but to the other adventurers he actually looked quiet and confident as he walked through the crowd around him.

“…so cool…” an adventurer quietly said as Jay walked by, gazing at his deathwalker sentry shield which was still equipped.

“It must be a super rare drop… oh fuck, I think it’s looking at me!” Another adventurer grabbed her friend’s arm as she stared at Jay’s shield. For some reason, it sent shivers up her spine.

Jay totally forgot he had his shield out, so he immediately stored it away.

People couldn’t analyse the shield unless he gave it to them, and of course, he would never do that, so he was safe – but it would be better to hide the demonic-looking item anyway, lest rumours spread.

“I should pick up some supplies and check on Trenly as I pass through town” Jay thought about his next steps as he walked by without even looking at most of the adventurers. His mind may as well have been in another world.

As he walked, the crowd gave way to him, forming a large circle around him as if he had a barrier spell.

It was like he was an untouchable prince, but he didn’t even notice people were treating him like this as he left the area through the ruined gateway, heading into the forest on the north side of Losla.

– – –

Matheson found the mining camp in the silt-wolf dungeon.

“Hmm, seems like I’ll need to carry this lamp,” he held it in his free hand..

Using up a hand to carry the lamp was fine for Matheson, as he used a one-handed rapier. His other hand was usually free; though sometimes he would use it to punch, but that was a rare occurrence.

Matheson’s sword had a ruby gem socketed into it, it emitted faint red glowing wisps of its aura every so often. It glowed slightly, but not enough to provide adequate light for him to see, so the lamp was still necessary.

“I will need to get a luminous orb from home.” he realised he may need this for future dungeons.

Matheson just entered the [Wolf Quarry] dungeon, and after thoroughly inspecting the mining camp, he began to follow the pressed-dirt path which ran alongside a deep river.