Chapter: 252
– 1 damage

– 1 damage per second for 5 seconds (Doesn’t stack)

<[Instinctive Fluid Turret]>



[Instinctive Activation] (Passive)

– Can activate without the presence of it’s creator

[Mana Form]

– 1 damage

– 1 mana burn

“Huh, interesting little things. I’m guessing the stone one is for normal enemies, the forest one for armoured enemies and the fluid one for magic enemies.”

Jay took his time to read through their stats as they continued to shoot against his shield.

“I wonder what would happen if they were made from different plants or rocks?” he thought for a moment before shrugging.

“Oh well.” he gripped his sword with a light smile and went for the rock turret first – it was doing the most damage.

*Thunk* He stabbed down on it, but to little effect.


“Hmm, good thing I have a hammer.” he quickly switched his sword out with his hammer and gave it a harder smack.


The stone turret crumbled and turned into a pile of broken rocks.

“Next,” Jay lightly smiled. This was like a walk in the park for him, and his leisurely walk through the forest wasn’t ruined.

Jay switched back to his sword before approaching the forest turret.


With a single slash the turret was sliced in half, the top fell off and it stopped firing.

“Next,” he seemed bored.

The water turret. Jay decided to have a closer look at this one. It was completely made from water, and clearly it was being maintained by mana somehow.