Chapter: 258
[Trenly – I will be back sometime this afternoon. Feel free to get started butchering one of the carcasses. Or wait for me. Up to you.]

As he was leaving he remembered something.

“Oh yeah..” he turned and went to his small kitchen, adding some utensils, plates, and cups to his inventory.

“Hmm, but why stop there?” He added a chair, a stool, and a blanket too.

Jay looked around the room, wondering what other kinds of homely comforts he may want when out adventuring – though not specifically for the marsh, as anything he takes out there would get a bad smell to it.

Not finding anything else worth bringing, he left, and headed for the stink-rat marsh.

Jay entered the stink-rat marsh.

Once more, he was greeted by the sickly rotting smell. The air felt thick, warm and moist; Jay’s face automatically grimaced in response.

“Eugh, I forgot how hot and humid it was here.”

[Debuff Applied]


– You are distracted by a horrendous smell

– -5% dexterity

“Oh yeah, that debuff… I suppose it still doesn’t affect me very much though.” he shrugged,

“Now, first I have to cross that giant log… Let’s get this over with.”

Jay found the same giant log that stretched into the horizon, after walking he found the other log that had fallen on it. He began crawling on his stomach up the make-shift ladder.

He still had vivid, horrible memories of when he tried to walk up it the first time he was here.

One on top of the house-sized log, he gazed around.

“I’ll summon the skeletons before I jump down, they can start collecting while I get down; save myself some time.”.

Jay shifted his necrotic ring, summoning Blue and Sweeper first before summoning Red and Lamp with the remaining bones. This was to make sure Blue had a full skeleton.

He then took out the blue bone swords before giving them instructions.

“Alright boys, here’s your Ossein swords.” he handed them the swords.

Normally, Jay would toss them on the ground and not bother, but they were on top of a huge log, and he didn’t want to risk one falling into the swamp water on either side.

“Three objectives today: Kill the rats, eat the bones if you need to, and bring me the teeth. I want a small pile of teeth laid before me… we can worry about corpse collection later.”