Chapter: 260
“Spell channel or alchemy ingredient… hmm. Well, I don’t know alchemy…not yet at least. Perhaps I can try something with its spell channelling… but how?”
[15 Exp]
Two more skeletons returned with soap rat teeth, dropping them before Jay and returning to the hunt.
“I should be fine wasting some teeth as I try something.”
Jay held the minor crystal in one hand and a tooth in the other.
The tooth began to vibrate and levitate in his hand as it was filled with his necrotic power.
After it was sufficiently full, Jay released the spell.
The tooth exploded on a nearby rotting log, causing small bits of the black wood to fly everywhere.
[15 Exp][15 Exp]
Jay then put the crystal away, casting another [Unstable Teeth] spell on the same log.
Comparing the holes made by the spell, they seemed to be almost identical.
“Clearly, it has no effect using it like this…I’ll have to try something different.”
Jay thought for a moment about what else he could do.
“Well, it says ‘channel’ so maybe I hold the crystal in the same hand as the tooth?”
The crystal was about the thickness of a sausage, and half as long, so he could easily hold it in the same hand.
Jay had one tooth left, but he wasn’t worried as he knew that more were on the way.
Putting his plan into practice, he began to channel another spell while holding the crystal in his hand.
“Hmm it feels different…” Jay’s necrotic energy was flowing around the crystal, as if it was trying to avoid it.
Nevertheless, the tooth still charged and began to float.
Jay released the spell on the same log.
“Damn… I guess that wasn’t it?”
The spell created another identical hole.
“What else can I do…” Jay racked his brain, trying to think about what to do.