Chapter: 266
“After that, I will favour dexterity, as my class started with a higher amount.”

After Jay realised he’s actually incredibly weak, he even felt embarrassed…

“Dammit… I even thought I was strong for a little while there… So that was a fuckin lie.” He was self-deceived, but thankfully he had woken up.

What happened in the swamp today may very well stay with Jay forever, a permanent part of his memories.

Instead of leaving the dungeon, Jay decided to wait here while his health came back to a reasonable level. He still needed those teeth after all, while the extra bones would be useful in the future.

Of course, with only Red out hunting rats, his gathering operation slowed down.

Jay decided to have Red drag back the nearby dead rats too, as he needed the bones for his ring.

There were many dead rats nearby, so it didn’t take long for Red to bring back some fresh corpses; previously, the skeletons killed them and only took their teeth.

Jay shifted his ring, extracting the bones from Molodus as well as 4 other corpses now surrounding him.

When done with the corpses, Jay had Blue form a pile of the boneless corpses nearby.

Slowly, the piles of boneless sacks of flesh started to form a large unidentifiable mass of flesh in the small clearing. Since they have no bones, they looked like desiccated pieces of a rotting whale as they slapped on top of each other.

Afterwards, Jay finally had some time to check the notification he had ignored during the desperate battle.

[Sword Proficiency Level 1 Acquired].

+2% damage when using swords

2.25% Chance to parry. Scales with dexterity. ((Dex*sword proficiency level/20)+1).

“Finally… it took so much longer than my dagger proficiency… I wonder if it’s because I was constantly backstabbing with the dagger?”

After an hour, Jay’s health went up by 4.2, bringing it back to [16/93].

Health regeneration was increased with vitality, along with how fast his body would heal from wounds. When he previously had much less vitality, it would take much longer for his health points to fix up a wound.

Red was the only skeleton collecting teeth and corpses, and had brought back 5 more teeth so far.

Jay decided to send Lamp off to hunt, now having only two guards; of course, he took an extra precaution of charging an unstable tooth spell.

“Damn. This sucks… but I suppose it’s what I deserve. I’m glad I found out how weak I am this early on.”

Jay waited a few more hours in the swamp, and soon enough his health was nearly back to being half-full.

Feeling a little more secure, he sent off Sweeper to collect teeth and corpses, only having Blue to guard him – though he was quite safe as all the rats in the area had been culled.

Jay had a small collection of 52 teeth so far – though not as many corpses as he only had the skeletons bring back the nearby ones.