Chapter: 271
The ox-badger had the body and head of a badger with the legs and horns of an ox. It was not as big as an ox, about the size of a sheep.

“This one has a bit more fat compared to the deer, but basically, mostly all the other animals you butcher will be somewhere in between these two. This time you cut, and I’ll guide you.”

Jay handed him the knife and cleaver.

“I see. Sure.” Trenly nodded, grabbing the tools.

Jay guided Trenly through the process, and before they realised, it was butchered.

“He didn’t make many mistakes. Seems like he’s a natural” thought Jay.

“Now we can just put them on display, crumb them, or make them into sausage… but for now, just store it in your inventory. We can get some out when we need it.”

“I’m not sure if the inventory will stop things from spoiling though…” Jay scratched his chin..

“Oh, it does.”

“It does? How do you know?”

“I just do… I thought it was common knowledge?”

Jay shook his head in disbelief “Wow. Well… I’m glad I know now I guess?” he smiled at Trenly “We’re learning new things every day huh?” he chuckled, causing Trenly to smile too.

Jay proceeded to show Trenly how to make sausages, but couldn’t show him how to crumb them as he had no eggs – though he told him the process. It’s a pretty simple one too, so he just trusted him with it.

“Try to have about 200 sausages and about 80 crumbed pieces. That’s usually how much people buy, but feel free to make more if you sell out; if you don’t sell everything you can just use it yourself.”


Jay showed him the prices as well as the small meat display and a few other business functions. After the process, Trenly was ready to run the shop himself.

“I think you’re ready” Jay nodded. “Feel comfortable running the shop by yourself tomorrow?”

“I’ll give it a go… will I need to buy more carcasses for tomorrow?”

“The day after tomorrow. There should be enough here to sell for the next two days. Every second day we just open a bit late as we have to buy stuff from the market… other than that I think you know everything. Usually I get about three carcasses of similar size to the deer, so you may run out, but that’s fine. Just close if you run out.” Jay shrugged.

“Awesome… Well, we will just see how tomorrow goes. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Great.. Uh, just let yourself in tomorrow. I might not be here” Jay shrugged. “Dungeon stuff… ya know?”

“Oh, right… Well, I’ll see you tomorrow. Maybe.”Trenly pursed his lips, shrugging.

– – –

~3rd Monastic Academy, Mirror Reality 34~

Norgrim was sitting at his desk, stroking his long black beard as he went through some papers. Periodically, he would glance at a floating plant on his desk which had a light-blue glow to it.