Chapter: 28
[Chimera Research – 2%]
“Sweet, 1% closer to shocking the world” Jay joked to himself.
Jay had grown used to talking to himself, sadly he had been alone for the last few years as his father, Frank, was setting up another butchery in a nearby village, while his mother had died shortly after he was born; raised in the butcher shop, he worked with his dad and learnt the trade.
He knew his father cared for him, but he never talked much, and Jay was the same.
After giving him the whole shop, he left for another city – promising to return after his second business was up and running – though this resulted in Jay being alone, his only communication with the local hunters and customers – and most of the time it was either empty small talk or price haggling.
At first he was sad thinking about this, but he came to accept it, and eventually embraced it – while he didn’t have anyone to talk to, he still had things to say.
As Don re-constructed, two more rats entered the clearing.
They were both level 1, so Jay wasn’t worried.
He controlled Don to kill one as he went for the other. Confident in fighting the rats now, Jay waited for it to attack.
As it lunged, Jay side-stepped and stabbed at its neck.
The rat screeched as Jay continued to stab at it, not giving the rat a chance to retaliate, he didn’t stop for a second – all that mattered was doing damage before it could retaliate.
The rat managed to claw at Jay once, causing 2 damage in total before it died.
[15 Exp]
Jay looked over to Don’s fight, the rat was bleeding out as Don was prepared to counter attack. Though before it could attack, it died, succumbing to its double bleed debuff.
[15 Exp]
“Hmm I must be getting close to levelling up” Thought Jay, checking his experience
Exp: 110/150
“Close, only about 3 more and I can level up” Jay wanted to grin, but he was tired. He began to appreciate the hard work that went into being an adventurer, realising it requires perseverance and discipline to get results.
He felt completely normal even though his energy level was dwindling; it was 24/30 before the last three fights, now it was a measly 12/30.
Deciding to take a moment to rest, he quickly looted the 2 dead rats, gaining 4 more fur scraps and 6 more teeth – however, this time he gained a [Stink-rat Tail] too.
“Hmm.. I’ll check it out later”
Walking over to the same log that the level 3 rat was relaxing on, Jay gave orders to Don before sitting down.
“Protect me”
Don entered a fighting stance and began circling around Jay, peering around the small clearing.
Sitting in a cross-legged position, mimicked the manacraft trainer, closed his eyes and began thinking about the advice he committed to memory – while also guessing and filling in the parts with his best guess; while also keeping in mind that some of it was similar to that fortune-telling “carot-card” bullshit. (yes, Carot-card).