Chapter: 291
Of course, I was rewarded.

At first, I thought this reward was a curse, utter madness, but instead it made me truthful, a bringer of light; knowing now that evil is a part of me, I’m able to stand against any evil, seeing it through any mask or veil, compliment or empty platitude.

Down in that hole I found a pit of darkness.

I threw a rock in, and heard no noise as I gazed into it, listening..

Yes; I gazed into the darkness – and it changed me.

It showed me something that became a part of me… No, actually.. It revealed a part of me. This was what I saw.


We were slaves with no names, having outlived our usefulness and destined to die.

All gathered up for the slaughter.

I was there, a slave… something I will never forget as we walked to our death was the look on the faces of the other slaves; defenceless like lambs to the slaughter. Utter fear.

All I could do was shiver.

Guards with spears prodded us from each side.

They had no reason to hate us, yet they did. They only wanted to destroy.

Caged in from each side like livestock; we were being fed into the fiery mouth of the beast.

How could my fellow human do this to me?

How can they kill the innocent as if they are emotionless machines?

How can they destroy without reason?

They would force us to be quiet, beating us.

Though I knew I was about to die, so I may as well speak up.

“You are a monster!” I yelled at a guard.

This was when I realised something, something primal in me opened its eyes.

Suddenly, I was in the body of the guard.

Somehow I had become a guard and was being yelled at by my former self.

“I called myself a monster?” I thought to myself, utterly confused.

Yet I knew it was now true.