Chapter: 293

Red took the opportunity to dash forward and bash its hammer against its back, stone chipping off at high speeds.

Jay was watching silently, but soon he realised the weakness of the spearmen – their range. If you can get close enough to a spearman, they are defenceless..

Mentally, he commanded Lamp to dodge the next attack and jump forward, getting past the dangerous tip of the spear.

The advantage of the spear was its range, and if you could get past it, you could beat a spearman; of course, a competent spearman could back up quickly – however, these statues are slow because of their sheer size.

The skeletons were much faster than the statues, so Lamp easily got in close and started smashing its hammer against it.

However, Jay didn’t expect what happened next.

The statue seemed to grunt before kicking Lamp, sending the skeleton flying back out of spear range again.

Lamp took a little damage even though it did more, but if it were doing this for hours it would eventually die.

“Oops…” Jay thought, feeling a little bad about getting Lamp punished. He failed to realise that the sheer size of the statues would allow them to simply kick away their opponents.

The statue, now unhampered by Lamp, then went over to help its comrade, and it would have gotten in a free hit on one of the skeletons, but the skeletons all quickly backed away from each of their fights.

Thankfully Blue noticed and had the other skeletons back off as they waited for Lamp to recover.

“Ok… so I’ll have to heal Lamp after the fight; It seems like the skeletons have probably found the most efficient way to fight. After all, they have been doing this for days now.”

Jay gave Lamp over to the command of Blue again and went back to passively watching.

Before long, Lamp got up and pre-occupied the statue again while Red and Blue finished off another.

Sweeper was doing well distracting a statue as well, and soon the other skeletons came to help; the fight was over.

It only took about seven minutes, and if Jay hadn’t disrupted, it would have been five.

[105 Exp]

[Soulstone] (empty) x 3

Jay gathered the loot and continued along the black highway towards the second pyramid.

Eleven more of the huge twin pillars remained along the highway, each with their sets of 3 spearmen statues.

In between each group of spearmen were another 2 swordsmen statues.

The skeletons employed the same strategy, easily defeating the statues as they progressed along the highway, of course the swordsmen statues were easy pickings since there was only two of them. Jay didn’t even bother to stop walking towards them.

At some points, Jay got bored and helped out a few times which helped things to go slightly faster.

All in all, it was one hour and twenty minutes before he reached the front of the pyramid, providing Jay with 1560 exp.