Chapter: 3
He began to lose balance as he yelled, hoping someone would hear him – and someone did.

A chuckle came from the carriage, and as Jay fell, a mocking smirk flashed at him ever so briefly through the carriage’s curtains.

“Wow, it’s like they’re almost glad that I’m being pushed off the road and into the mud, little bastard.” he thought as he tried to gain his balance – yet unsuccessfully.

Jay fell over onto his shoulder as he slid a little way down the side of the hill.

“You asshole in your shitty carriage!” Jay yellow, gritting his teeth in anger as he slid down; he only began picking up more speed and sliding faster in the rain and mud.

Spotting a shrub as he slid down, he grabbed at it to stop himself from sliding further.

“Graaah!” he grasped the small bush with all his strength, yet neither Jay or the bush came out unscathed.

Jay finally came to a stop as half of the plant’s roots were pulled up. His hand began stinging as it turned red, hurting more than his shoulder now as he just stripped away half of the leaves from the plant.

Using the shrub as balance, he stood up slowly, yet was quickly filled with anger.

“Dammit, will they even let me in now? I’m so filthy, they will think I’m a beggar… and that little bastard in the carriage was basically laughing at me. Prick!” he snapped in frustration, clenching his fist as he noticed the carriage wasn’t even there anymore – it didn’t even stop to help.

“Little fucking bastard…” his brows furrowed in anger, swearing through his clenched jaw as he looked at the brown slide he made down the hill.

Walking back up the muddy hill to get to the road, Jay’s anger still seethed – yet this only caused him to lose his concentration, and with it, his balance.

“Fucker… little carriage bastard fucker… ~Oh, wait. Shit!” Once more, he fell backwards.

“Shit, shit, shiiiii!!-”

The back of his head landing squarely on a rock, and Jay instantly lost consciousness.

His unconscious body continued sliding down the hill for a moment before stopping near some bushes.

Sadly for Jay, no one saw him fall or even heard him yell in the pouring rain – he was alone, knocked unconscious and caught in some bushes.


“…wha?- AH!” A silver crow shocked Jay awake, flying away when Jay’s eyes opened widely.

Jay sat up quickly, trying to make himself look more lifelike as he realised the crow was about to start eating him as if he were some roadkill.

It was still close to Winter, and at this point Jay was shivering, his clothes drenched with rain. He couldn’t tell how long he had been unconscious as it was still overcast, but it didn’t matter very much right now – he was freezing.

“I need….. to get warm… so cold… need… warmth…” his teeth chattering, his lips blue, and his fingers white. He could hardly form sentences.

Survival instincts kicked in as Jay started to jog to the village inn. He would’ve gone home but he knew that his shivering hands wouldn’t have been able to start a fire.

“I-I’m so hungry, so thirsty. How long w-was I knocked out?” he asked himself as he jogged, trying to warm himself up.