Chapter: 307
More cracks formed, and it seemed like the statue had no hope now – It was beaten fair and square.
Another series of hits landed, causing heavy deep cracks to form on its head and expressionless stone face.
Just as Jay was about to do the final hit, the statue dropped to its knees.
“Forgive me brother… Helvetia.” its bow dispersed into particles of light as a solemn and sad voice came from the statue, and Jay felt his heart stir.
Jay breathed in deeply and exhaled, letting his anger cool off.
“Be free.” Jay said in a commanding tone.
He felt a mix of emotion as the statue had clearly retained some parts of its mind, and Jay really didn’t think of it as an enemy, but a victim.
With a final hit, its head was smashed apart.
[2300 Exp]
Jay panted for a moment, his energy low.
“Damn. I wanted to destroy it so badly but I don’t feel any satisfaction…”
A sense of sadness dawned on him, but he was also happy with the large amount of experience he was rewarded with.
Jay looked around for a moment, he had things to do.
“First thing’s first.” he pointed to each skeleton, giving each of them an order.
“Bring me the bones of the destroyed skeleton.”
“Loot the statues.”
“And you…” he squinted “bring me my shield.”
Jay then looked around for a moment, checking the room.
There was nothing at the back of the room except the throne with the glowing rock above it.
“Hmm…” he wanted to reach up and grab it, but remembered what happened in Sedulus’s tomb.
Jay decided it was probably a trap, so he waited until the skeletons collected all the soul stones before he would try to grab it.
Jay was almost going to sit on the throne, but realised this could also be another trap. There were just too many hidden twists in this pyramid, and the innocuous throne looked eerily dangerous.
Even what seemed like a straight-forward fight to get to the archer statue turned into a dangerous battle.
Thankfully, he remembered he brought some items from his home.